I sighed against her soft lips, content with everything. I had to get dressed, though, or I’d end up just taking round two and going into round three.
I could tell by the way she winced that she was sore. Knowing she needed a break, I pulled free of her body and quickly dressed before helping her back into her clothes.
She wrinkled her nose at me, making me smirk. I knew E’s and my come had to be dribbling out of her.
“I’ll, um, be right back,” she said, pecking my lips before darting upstairs.
I turned back to the guys, grinning.
“You’re a menace,” Fox said, shaking his head as the game he was playing with E came to an end, Fox winning again.
“You love me,” I said, swooping down and planting a wet kiss on Fox’s cheek. He shoved me away, wiping my love from his cheek.
“Gross, you sloppy bastard,” he muttered.
“All for you, Foxy boy.” I grinned at him.
Enzo chuckled and answered his phone when it rang.
“What?” Enzo sat up straighter, nothing but shock and alarm in his voice.
Immediately, we turned to see what was going on. He stood, his face twisted and his hands shaking.
“We’ll be there. Just. . . fuck. We’re on the way.” He hung up and looked to us.
“What’s going on?” I demanded.
“It’s Dom. He-he tried to kill himself. He might not make it,” he answered, his voice a soft rasp.
Cold washed over me at his words. I knew how bad he’d been struggling. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK. I got to my feet.
“They need us?” I asked.
Enzo nodded. “We’ll meet them at the hospital. I, uh, we need to get Anson to sit with Rosalie. . .”
“On it,” Fox said, pulling out his phone and texting Ass Hat.
I looked to E, whose face said everything I was feeling.Sick. Scared. Worried.And a million other things I was struggling to wrap my head around. I swallowed hard and raked my fingers through my hair.
Rosalie came into the room, smiling, but her smile faltered when she saw us looking like hell.
“What happened?” she asked, her gaze darting to each of us in turn. E stood and went to her. He wrapped her in a tight hug, clinging to her as he let out a soft sob.
“You’re scaring me,” she whispered, hugging him back. “Ethan. What’s going on?”
“Dom tried to kill himself. They don’t know if he’s going to make it,” I said thickly.
E pulled away from her as she stared at me in horror. Rosalie didn’t know Dom well, but I knew what she was thinking. Bianca had been taken. She’d died. He’d broken from it. She was envisioning this same scenario happening to any of us.
“It’ll be OK,” E choked out. “Everyone will be OK. Right?”
“Right,” Rosalie said, composing herself. “It’ll be OK. He’s really strong.”
“It won’t happen to us,” E whispered, like he was trying to reassure himself. “It won’t happen. We’ll be OK.”
“We’re going to be OK.” Rosalie hugged him again, soothing him.
“E, come on. Grab your sweater. It’s cold out,” Enzo said softly.