Page 128 of Into the Fire

One that screamed what I was feeling.

Don’t let her slip away. Say something.

“I’ve missed you,” I murmured.

She stared at me, the look in her eyes making my heart clench. It wasn’t beyond me that I’d been an asshole in my reaction. I’d known she was hurting when she’d told us everything. Instead of listening and trying to make it better, I’d lost my cool and took us to this fucking hellhole.

“I-I’ve missed you too. All of you. I want to say how sorry I am for everything—”

I went to her and got on my knees. Then, I took her hands in mine. “I overreacted. I owe you an apology. Instead of listening, I acted. Forgive me?”

She nodded, sniffling as she reached for me.

I hugged her, crushing E beneath us. If it bothered him, he didn’t react.

“Can we talk?” she asked, her lips brushing against my ear.

“Of course.” I pulled away from her and offered her my hand. She took it, and I brought her to her feet.

“I’ll, um, be back,” she said, looking from Cole to Fox. Both nodded, and I led her to the office, where she settled on the couch as I took my chair.

I said nothing, waiting for her to speak. I’d have been lying if I said my heart wasn’t hammering a rough rhythm in my chest.

When she continued to remain silent, I finally spoke.

“I’m sorry, Rosalie. I am. I understand why you’d be frustrated with everything.”

She licked her lips before nibbling the bottom one for a moment. “This isn’t just your fault. It’s mine too. I let things go too far. If the situation had been reversed, I’d have lost it too. I don’t blame you for getting angry. I’m not happy Cole held a gun to Anson’s head or that you guys were throwing knives, but I get it. I-I wish I would have just come home. It’s ruined so many things.”

I reached out and took her hand in mine. “It’s not ruined anything. Things that needed to come out finally did. That needed to happen. We’re OK now. . . right?”

She sniffled. “I don’t know. I can’t even look at Anson. I’ve been barricaded in my room, ignoring everything.”

“But we’re OK,” I repeated, squeezing her hand gently.

“Enzo. . . I don’t think we should get married.”

It felt like the air had been forced out of my lungs.


“I’m not ready. We’re not—”

I fell to my knees in front of her and cradled her face with my hands, feeling her tears dot my skin. “I am going to marry you,” I said fiercely, my heartbeat so loud in my ears that I wasn’t even sure how loud I was talking. “You said yes, Rosalie.”


“You said yes,” I whispered. “I-I’ll push the date back. Would that work better? I’ll do anything, just. . . don’t do this. Please.”

“I don’t think—”

“Stop thinking. Please, stop thinking. I need you, Rosalie. I needus. Don’t leave. Don’t quit on me. Fuck. Please.”

She sniffled. “Compromise?”

“Anything.” I swallowed hard and took her hands in mine again, clinging to her for everything I was.

“We move the wedding to fall instead of August. It gives us more time to-to just get back to normal. I feel so pressured right now—”