Page 113 of Into the Fire

He’d leave for us. And if he didn’t. . . well, drunk me didn’t give a shit.

I just wanted my Foxy.

“Please?” I asked, kissing him again.

He sighed against my lips. “Baby, this isn’t our home. We’re in the presence of someone else, and—”

“So?” I kissed him more, feeling brave and oh-so drunk. The room was spinning, and I was here for the ride. “Are you scared, Foxy?”

He nipped my bottom lip hard, making me whimper at the sting of pain. “The last thing I am is scared.”

“I, uh, I’ll give you two some privacy,” Anson called out, clearing his throat. I heard him shuffle to his feet, his footsteps sounding out.

“Wait,” Fox said, his voice soft.

I stared at Fox, confused.Was he really telling me no?

“Unless you want the bedroom,” Anson continued.

“No. I don’t. Just. . . stay.” Fox’s voice held a tremble that I’d never heard there before.

“What?” Anson asked.

“Stay,” Fox repeated, his voice stronger. “Maybe it’s good that you see this.”

My heart hammered hard. Anson’s footsteps sounded out again, this time returning to us.

“LeeLee?” Anson’s voice was a low rumble. “Do you want me to stay?”

I stared into Fox’s eyes, not seeing anything in them that was requesting me to say no. I’d never do this sober, but I was feeling particularly reckless right now and just wanted to do whatever felt good. Drunk Rosalie was my complete opposite. I didn’t hate it.

“Do what Fox tells you to do,” I finally said, a slight slur in my words. “He’s in charge.”

“Good girl,” Fox said in his deep rumble before his lips met mine again.

This didn’t make sense, but I didn’t care in the moment. Maybe tomorrow I would. Maybe tomorrow would change me. For right now, this moment with my Fox was what mattered most to me. To hell with the rest.

I was tired of worrying about every little thing in my life, and I just needed Fox.

And so. . . I’d take him.



Fox was exceptionally good at keeping Rosalie’s body hidden from me. He hadn’t undressed her in her frenzy to have him, but I could tell what was going on by the way she moved against him and the soft, sexy as fuck noises coming out of her mouth.

Fox would pause his movements every now and then to ensure her skirt was still in place, and fuck him for that, but it didn’t matter to me.

I’d never watched anything so fucking beautiful in my entire life.

He was slow. Deliberate. He clearly knew exactly what she liked and gave it to her how she wanted. Rough. Deep. Thorough.

With her head thrown back and her red waves cascading around her, she was absolutely breathtaking.

My dick was aching while I watched Fox bring her to her peak.

I didn’t know what any of this meant, and honestly, I felt ashamed to be watching since I knew she was wasted as hell. She’d said yes, though, when I’d asked her.