We were quiet for a moment before I spoke.
“It’s strange we’re in bed together, Seeley. Six months ago I’d have never thought it possible.”
“Why are we talking about this? Is this you trying to ask to suck my cock?”
I let out a snort of laughter. “No, this isn’t me asking to suck your dick, you freaky fuck. I’m just thinking about how much has changed.”
He sighed. “Yeah. A lot has. Fallon and Dom are going to be dads. Bianca is back. Thank fuck for that miracle. And thank you for bringing her home to us.”
“Of course,” I murmured.
“How was she when she was away from us? Was she. . . happy?”
“No. She was broken. She cried a lot. I was the only one she let get close to her, so I did what I could to try to take her mind off the shit that happened. I felt guilty every fucking moment of it, too, because I knew the truth. I hate myself for keeping it from her for so long, but in the end, it worked out.”
“When did you fall in love with her?” his words were soft.
“I don’t know. I guess a part of me has always felt something for her. As soon as Hail introduced us, I think I was hooked, but I knew it could never be. Then all that shit in his bedroom went down where she was forced. I was so sick after it. I played the part but threw up the moment I was alone. I wished then that I could lift her into my arms and keep her safe. Had I known Fallon and her had something going on, I’d have been much earlier to the party. Maybe. Who’s to say she’d have even entertained me then? I guess maybe things happened the way they were meant to.”
I was quiet for a moment.
“I took her that day Tate brought us to her. Fallon was going through the motions. I figured out then what was up. I was so pent up with anger that I couldn’t even focus on anything but getting her to safety. She was so close to dead, Levin. It was horrible how she looked. She came off that bed with Fallon’s gun, and I knew we were fighting on the same side. I did what I could to divert attention and then took her. Fallon caught up with me, and that’s it. We’d saved her. I honestly didn’t think she’d make it.”
Levin looked over at me, his eyes glassy. “Thank you for what you did. I’m not happy you’re fucking my girl, though.”
I shrugged. “I’m not sorry, Seeley. I love her.”
“She’s easy to love,” he said, sighing. “I miss her.”
“Me too.”
“I don’t know how much longer I can go without talking to her. Just to let her know I’m OK. That you’re OK.”
“Don’t do it. It’s not worth the shitstorm that could happen if you’re caught.”
He said nothing.
“I’ve taught her a lot. She’s smart. If something ends up happening, I trust she’ll be able to take care of business. Evennear death, she’s a hell of a lot to handle. It was glorious watching her take Fallon’s gun and give it her best effort that day. And every single day since, she’s shown us how strong she is. She knows how to survive, even if it’s without us.”
“I don’t want it to ever be without us. Living without her was fucking hell. I don’t want to return to it,” he said.
“I think in the end, everything will work out. It has to. There’s just no other way.”
“I hope you’re right.” He rubbed his eyes. “I’m tired. You staying in here or going back to your room?”
“I’ll stay,” I said, testing him.
“Whatever. Just stay on your side of the bed, and don’t try to kill me in my sleep.”
I chuckled. “Right back at you, Seeley.”
He grunted and rolled over. Before long, his breathing was deep and even.
I stared back at my phone, the woman in the picture still plaguing me. I needed to find out who she was. Something told me she had a story that needed telling and could very well be what it took to change shit.