Quickly, I withdrew myself and left the woman lying alone on the bed, not bothering to cover her in any way. I needed to get away. And I really needed rest. I felt like I was breaking.
With heavy steps, I walked back through the dreamscape and into my apartment, collapsing on the couch. I hadn’t slept in I didn’t know how long, and finally, I’d had too much. I closed my eyes and felt myself floating.
* * *
“Hey, Butt Whore,”someone shouted.
I quickly opened my eyes and looked around me. I wasn’t in my apartment. Wherever I was, a thin, white veil separated me from everything else.
“Butt Whore, why are you ignoring me?” the voice spoke again. I spun around and saw Olivia. She practically ran right by me. Quickly following behind her was some douche bag. “Come on, Butt Whore, let me see the new gift I gave you,” he called out, nearing a jog as they ran through the empty hallway.
What the fuck? What’s going on? Where am I?
I chased after them, running the length of the hallway and turning right at the end. It looked like the guy had caught up with her. He had her back against the wall. He was close enough that their chests were pressing together. Her face was ashen, and her chin trembled. Fear rolled off her so thickly I could almost touch it. “Hey!” I yelled, but neither of them looked my way. I pushed myself forward, anger surging through me as I drew closer. Having to watch as he whispered in her ear and touched places that only I could touch made the rage boil in my veins.
“That’s right, Butt Whore. Your pretty ass is going to be mine in less than a week. The countdown is on,” I heard him growl once I was close enough.
She was visibly shaking, and tears were filling her green eyes. I wanted to kill the mother fucker who thought he could lay a hand on what was mine. I jumped at him, intending to push him away from her, but my hands when right through him, causing me to fall forward and land on the floor.
“See you around.” He smiled as he turned and sauntered away.
Olivia stood there, frozen in fear. I wanted to comfort her, but I wanted revenge even more. So instead of sticking around to watch her fall apart when there was nothing I could do about it, I chased after him.
He got behind the wheel of his fancy sports car, and I briefly thought about climbing into the back. In the blink of an eye, I was there, sitting in the backseat, going for a ride with him.
I ground my teeth together, hoping to lose some anger, but I was fighting an endless battle.Nobodymessed with my girl and got away with it. I didn’t know how, but I intended on fucking his world up. Even though I knew it wouldn’t do any good, I pulled back my fist and threw punch after punch, never making contact. I didn’t have a body. He didn’t even know I was there, didn’t know I could see what he was doing to her. No wonder she seemed so lost and scared. She had a fucking asshole assaulting her every time she turned around.
I spaced out the entire drive, lost to my rage. Before I knew it, the car stopped at a big, white house. He climbed out and jogged inside where I followed. I stepped through the open door before he pushed it shut and looked around.
It looked like dipshit was a rich kid — a fucking spoiled brat who got whatever he wanted. I knew most of them got shoved out into the real world and had a rude awakening. But some… some got lucky and got to continue treating people like shit. I was going to make surehelearned his lesson.
I hung around his room—watching him, making mental notes, and learning everything I could. He sat back, watching porn on his computer as he snacked on a bag of chips. Once he had wiped out the entire bag, he crumbled it up and threw it at the trash can in the corner of the room, missing the can but landing it in the pile of other trash that had also missed.
He dusted his hands off on his shorts, then pulled something out of the drawer. His eyes glazed over as he looked at whatever it was. Finally, he reached into his shorts and took himself in hand.
Out of curiosity, I walked up behind him and peeked over the corner of his chair, so I only saw what was in his hands. It was a picture of Olivia.
Fury filled me again, bubbling up my throat like boiling acid. My cheek was raw from me gnawing on it. I squeezed my hands into tight fists, waiting for when I could make my move.
He finished with a loud moan and reached for the tissues that was on his desk. After he had cleaned up, he threw himself onto his bed, closing his eyes with a smile.
I stared him down, wishing I could get intohisdreams. Revenge would’ve tasted so fucking sweet.
If he put another hand on Olivia, I’d put Abe’s theory to the test and come back, not only for Olivia, but to beat the ever-loving shit out of him. I’d make him pray for death.
As the anger swirled around in my body, my head started swimming. I began drifting away.No!I wasn’t ready to go back. I needed to get even. I needed to teach him a lesson!
* * *
When my eyes opened again,I was at a basketball court. It was dark, and the concrete was wet. The earth smelled like a heavy, spring rain. The thud of a ball bouncing and shoes scraping off the wet ground were the only sounds in the night.
“Yes! I made it!” a guy said. “That’s thirty-five shots in a row. There’s no way I won’t make MVP.”
I turned around to find douche bag in front of me… alone.
Smiling to myself, I closed the distance between us. I envisioned myself in a black ski mask, making it so. He didn’t know I was there. He was backing up, trying to make another shot when I reached out and pushed him forward. The ball went rolling across the pavement as he fell to the ground. The edges of the court were blurred, plus there was no way the douche wasthatskilled at basketball. This had to be a dream.
“Hey! What the fuck?” he asked, looking up at me. He shook as he took me in, his wonderful dream turning into an ugly nightmare as I stood in front of him in my ski mask.