Page 29 of Wicked Dreams

He scoffed. “You know, all you had to do was give me what I wanted, and I could’ve stopped it all. I didn’t realize you were willing to barter.” His hand landed on my breast with a firm squeeze, but I pushed it away. “In fact, we can still trade. You know Wes won’t be able to hold them off for long. Butme… I can get the job done.” He forced himself on me, pressing his lips to mine. His tongue slithered into my mouth while his hands pulled at my shirt. I fought against him, pushing him away while trying to slide out from beneath him, but his hold was too strong. He somehow managed to get his hands up my shirt, and he gripped my breast painfully, causing me to cry out against his mouth.

He finally broke the kiss and covered my mouth with his hand to quiet my cries for help. His eyes darkened as they dropped to look down my body. “Youknow, I could take anything I wanted from you right now.” He grinned as he placed his knee between my legs and wedged them apart. While one hand covered my mouth, the other pressed against my sex, rubbing back and forth over my jeans. “But, I think we’ll save this for your birthday party. I’ll make sure I give you something you’ll always remember.” He stepped back and released me. Spinning, he started walking out of the bathroom but stopped and turned back toward me.

“In fact, I have something I’d like you to wear to your party.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out something shiny, tossing it my way.”

Out of instinct, I caught the warm metal object in my hands. Studying it, I found that I was holding a butt plug.

“Make sure you use lube.” He sneered and waved his hand through the air. “What am I saying? You’re Butt Whore, you know how to use it.” With that, he turned and left me alone, trembling from what had just happened.


After school I went for a run to try to clear my mind. I ran until my chest ached and my legs burned. Truth be told, I also wanted to tire myself out, so I’d be able stay asleep the entire night on the off-chance Donovan decided to pay me a visit.

Flashes of being in the bathroom earlier with Brent twisted through my mind as I puffed down the trails, making me shudder. I hated him. That much I knew. I couldn’t shake off the way his hands felt on my body or the nausea that tried to fight its way up my throat as he rubbed his fingers against me. I pushed myself harder down the trails in a vain attempt to run from my problems.Who was I kidding?I couldn’t run fast or far enough to escape them.

* * *

Running had donenothing to aide in me going to sleep. Not only was I sore, but I was still stressed as I lay in my bed later that night. I was sick and shaking from my encounter with Brent in the bathroom. He wasn’t going to stop. I knew he wouldn’t.There are only a few weeks left of school. Just hold on for a little while longer.Then we’d be done. Gone. I won’t have to look at his disgusting smug face anymore.

While the thought should’ve brought me some comfort, all it did was remind me that I neededsomeone. Obviously, I couldn’t protect myself. My mind immediately went to Donovan. I wanted to see him so much.

A brilliant idea sparked in my mind. Climbing out of bed, I went to my mom’s medicine cabinet and pulled out a bottle of her sleeping pills. Dropping one onto my palm, I tossed it into my mouth and swallowed it down with a glass of water.

I figured the pill would keep me asleep all night. Then I’d get to be with Donovan if my mind decided to show him to me. Giddy with excitement, I clamored back into bed and snuggled down. Within minutes, the heaviness of sleep began to take over. Closing my eyes, I sent out a silent prayer that I’d see him in my dreams.

* * *

I was walkingthrough the forest my mind seemed to like so well. It was quiet, the only sound was the crunching of dirt and underbrush beneath my feet. I was in my white dress again, my feet still bare. I knew the twigs and small stones should’ve hurt my feet. But it was a dream, and nothing could hurt me in it if I didn’t let it.

I wandered slowly through the forest, my heartrate kicking up.Where was he? Why wasn’t he here?

Sinking down onto my bottom on the bank, I dipped my feet into the water at the warm springs we’d been to. My red hair cascaded around me, brushing the ground I sat on. I looked around sadly, my heart breaking.He wasn’t coming.

With my eyes squeezed shut tightly, I began to whisper, “Donovan, if you can hear me by some weird chance, if my brain could try to understand that I need you right now, please, just come to me.Please. I’ll do anything.”

“Anything?” Donovan’s soft voice called out to me. My eyes flew open. He was there, standing on the bank, looking down at me. His hair was a beautiful mess on his head. His hands were shoved deeply into the pockets of his jeans. A tight, black t-shirt clung to his body in a way that left me breathless. Eyes of midnight searched me worriedly, darker than I’d ever seen them, making the golden flecks more vibrant and pronounced. I scrambled to my feet and threw my arms around his neck, soft sobs racking my body.

Warm arms encircled me, pulling me tightly to his hard body.

“What’s wrong with my Livvy?” he asked softly, his lips brushing against my ear as he spoke to me. “What can I do? Tell me. I’ll do it.”

“I need you,” I managed to croak out between my muffled whimpers, my hold on him tightening.

“You have me, baby. You always have me,” he cooed, his fingers in my hair. He pulled away and tilted my chin up, regarding me carefully. “I’m sorry I’ve been absent. I knew you needed the rest. You were worn out.” He leaned down and planted a tender kiss on each of my wet eyelids. “No more tears. We’re together now.”

“We’re not,” I wiped at my eyes sadly. “We’re here. In a dream where nothing is real. I want more! I can’t live my life sleeping, hoping to catch a glimpse of you.”

“But they’re sweet dreams, Livvy—”

“They’re wicked dreams, Van!” I shouted back, my hands balling into angry fists. His eyes opened wider, surprise written on his handsome features.

“What did you call me?”

“I-I called you Van,” I replied, wondering where that had come from. A strange sensation settled over me. It was like the tingle my body felt before falling asleep—warm, delicious, familiar.

“You are in there, Livvy,” he growled before his mouth crashed into mine, his tongue tasting every facet of my mouth it could reach. I let out a soft moan, causing him to twine his fingers through my hair, knotting them impossibly deep in the silky threads. His other hand roamed over my body, his hot touch setting my blood ablaze. It coursed through my veins, crashing into my heart at astounding rates.

Before I knew it, he had me pinned to the ground with his strong body leveled over mine. Strong hands tugged at the thin material of my dress. His ragged breaths brushed against my lips. I wove my fingers through his thick hair, causing him to growl his approval.