“Oh, hey, Drekkan.” I look up from my prone position, but the voice is coming from a silhouette I can’t place. “What are you doing here? Are you okay?”
The dark shape is beside me. All I can do is groan under my breath. A scent hits me. One of galactic oil and ozone.
“Mizax? Is that you?” I blink furiously to clear my vision, even if I can’t move any other muscles, one wing sprawled in the snow.
The furry Cirmos engineer from the spaceport is looking at me with some concern, his tail swishing from side to side.
“Yeah, it’s me,” he says, his bright green eyes fixed on me like a predator looks at prey.
“I thought you were off world with the Gryn freighter, the one having trouble with the star drive?” I have to screw up one eye to only see one of him.
“Nah, I came back for the celebrations.” He laughs. “But I remembered I’d promised the mayor I’d ensure the power supply for the lights and markets was fully overhauled. My mate is less than impressed it has taken over the main room in our dwelling for the last half nova-day.” He’s wiping his hands on an oily rag. “I’m refitting it now and the celebrations can get underway.” Mizax grins at me. “I know how much you love the celebrations.”
“Stop that Sarkarnii!” a strong voice bellows out across the snowy wasteland.
“I don’t think I’m going anywhere.” I look up at Mizax. “Tell my mate I love her.”
“Don’t be an idiot.” Mizax shakes his head. “You can tell her yourself…wait.Youhave a mate?”
“Yes, I have a mate,” I say with some ire. “Why would I not take a mate?” I grumble as boots surround us, mushing up the snow.
“She must be one patient female to take on a grump like you,” Mizax says with a grin. “Still, I’m proud of you.” He stands, and from my position, I can’t see who he’s looking at. “What do you want with the Sarkarnii?” he asks the mystery pairs of boots.
“He’s wanted for disrupting the celebrations by stealing the power supply.”
“I didn’t steal it,” I grind out.
It takes a huge effort, but I manage to flip myself over so I’m staring at the sky and the snow.
“Of course he didn’t steal the power supply!” Mizax fires out at the cohort of mayoral guards. “The mayor knows I was doing maintenance on the thing.” Mizax waves his hand at the open door to the supply container. “That’s the reason the lights and market have been offline for a few hours. I’m about to turn it all back on now, if you’ll excuse me.”
“Told you.” I lift my head as much as I’m able to look at the leader.
He narrows his eyes.
“I’m going to have to speak to the mayor,” he says.
“You do that.” I drop my head back into the snow, enjoying the cool feel against my skin.
“Is Drekkan here? Is he?” Qrow shouts, late to the party as always.
“I’m the Sarkarnii on the ground,” I call out, unable to stop the laughter bubbling within me. “The useless Sarkarnii who can’t fix his ship or his life.”
“You need to come, quick.” Qrow is pulling at my arm. “It’s Jade, she needs you.”
“She doesn’t need me.” I fend him off weakly. “No one needs me. I’m a waste of scales.”
“She’s in labor, she’s having your young. You need to…”
I don’t hear his last words because I’m already in the sky.
Iam so hot, and my clothes feel like fire next to my skin. I pull at them, wanting them off and to be free of anything.
“Are you sure you don’t have anything for the pain?” I pant at Blynda. “Humans have gas and air, also epidurals…”
I’ve been asking for pain relief forever. Mostly, Blynda ignores me.