Or we stop in the marketplace because I’ve seen something for the baby, and he’s all serious until it’s in his hands and then his face is filled with wonder.
My big, bad, grumpy Christmas dragon.
I refuse to believe he’d do anything to hurt the inhabitants of Kitchik, I just won’t believe it. But at the same time, where is he when I need him?
A contraction spears through me, and it’s like I’m being ripped open. I groan out loud this time, unable to stop myself. Ineed Drekkan, and I need to get to the medical center because this baby IS coming, no matter how much I wish I could hold on.
With the most recent contraction receding, I get to the comm unit on the wall in the kitchen and put in a call to the medical center who tells me they’ll send some transport. I don’t have to wait long until there’s a chime at the door and I’m in the hands of two Bosszanto medics who are all seriousness whereas Qrow is never serious. They help me into their hover transport and I’m at the center in no time.
“I need you to find Qrow, Qrow Riverside?” I ask one of the orderlies as I’m escorted through to where Blynda is waiting for me.
“So, it’s time?” She beams. I have no idea why she’s happy given I’m about to give birth to god knows what.
I hope she’s ready for tentacles.
“It’s time.” I clutch at my stomach. “And I need Drekkan.”
“He is your mate?” Blynda asks.
“He is,” I say firmly. “He might not be the father, biologically, but he is this baby’s father as far as I’m concerned. I don’t care what he’s done, I want him here, with me. Oh!”
This contraction is much stronger and much more painful than the rest. It sears through me like a knife.
“Find Drekkan,” Blynda says to one of the medics. “Urgently. This female needs her mate.”
I’m staggering down the street. It’s getting light, slowly, and all around is snow. I have my own internal heat source, and it’s the only thing which is keeping me going. My leg is next to useless, and while I’ve managed to shift my tail and a wing, nothing else is happening.
But I must prove it was not me who took the power source. It was always the last thing on my mind, always. I might have been annoyed with Kitchik and their endless enthusiasm for their out of the way place, but they gave me a home and left me alone (sort of) when I wanted to be alone, yet were prepared to indulge me when I wanted to be in the thick of things.
Kitchik has been good to me, and it’s about time I returned the favor. At least then Jade will know I’m not some reprobate who takes instead of giving, although if she deigns to look in my direction again, I should count myself the luckiest Sarkarnii in the galaxy.
By now she must know what I’ve been keeping from her. The threats, the fact the mayor felt the need to collar me, how I got her the dwelling she adores.
Jade has to hate me, and I don’t blame her, not for one second. I hate me too. I should have made peace with mysituation long ago, not allowed things to continue as they have done, letting it eat me from the inside
It hollowed me out, until she came into my life, my Jade. My heartsfire.
My heartsfire. My fate. My mate.
The realization of what she is has my knees buckling, and I can only just retain the ability to stand by force of will.
I have well and truly nevved things up. Jade is mine as much as my tail and my shift belong to me. And I let her go.
Snow is falling again as I limp around the side of the spaceport and immediately duck back behind a bulkhead when I see the mayor’s guards.
“Nev!” I grumble under my breath.
I’ve always stood out on Kitchik, mostly because of my size…and ability to change my form. I’m going to struggle to get past them without the ability to fly.
Instead I take the long way around, each step becoming more and more painful. But I know where the power transformers are really kept, and I need to get to them. As I approach, I hear the oddest sound.
Something like music, but it’s not music because it’s so bad. Tuneless and I don’t know much about tunes unless it’s to dance for my mate.
I should have danced for Jade.
The thought of claiming her in front of all of Kitchik hits me hard and this time when my knees go, I go down too, with a groan and a thump into the snow.