I slide her off my lap, well aware my cock has been pushing at my pouch since we arrived but my arousal in the presence of my mate is nothing to be ashamed of.
I exit the booth with her hand trailing mine. “I won’t be long. Then we can discuss how soon after you’ve birthed I can fill you up again.”
Jade opens her mouth, gapes, shuts it again and her lips quirk up at the corner.
I guess she agrees and it makes me even harder.
“I love you, Drekkan,” she says, with a shy smile. “Don’t keep him long,” she adds to the mayor, who yet again dares to look at my mate.
I drag my feet as I follow the mayor out of the food tent to the rear where I’m immediately surrounded by his guards.
“What’s this? I haven’t done anything,” I snap. “And you’ve got me in this nevving collar anyway.” I hook a claw in the thing and I’m immediately shocked to my knees.
“About the collar.” The mayor looms over me, and I extend my claws to their fullest extent, my tail shifted and thrashing. “I think it’s time we did something about it.”
He leans in, I lean away, not wanting to be shocked again but not wanting him to do anything further to the nevving tech which will make it even worse for me.
“Hold him,” the mayor orders.
Five guards grab me, one on each limb and one on my tail. I thrash and snarl, but I’m virtually immobilized from the earlier shock as the mayor leans in to me and touches the collar.
I brace myself, expecting a spike of pain.
The collar drops from my neck and onto the ground.
“You are free, Sarkarnii. You have my apologies for ever doubting you.”
And everything goes black.
Ipresume Drekkan isn’t in trouble. I’m well aware he thinks he’s trouble and he plays up to it, but in the last few weeks, he’s generally behaved himself.
Although I didn’t know the band around his neck made a noise. That is definitely a new thing. I pick at the food we have left on the table (not an awful lot because…Drekkan), but he doesn’t return. Snow is falling thick and fast outside, and the market is emptying, plus it’s been a long day and I’m tired.
Whatever the mayor had to discuss with Drekkan, presumably it’s important enough to be keeping him.
“Hi.” I wave to the Bosszanto who served us. “I need to leave. How much do I owe?”
“Nothing, mistress. The Sarkarnii provided the credits.” He smiles at me.
“Oh, okay.” I purse my lips. “If he comes back, can you tell him I’ve gone home?”
“If you wait, I can get someone to go with you,” the server says kindly, taking in my pregnancy bump.
“It’s fine, I’m close by.” I smile. “Please just let Drekkan know where I’ve gone.”
“Of course, mistress,” the Bosszanto says and hurries away to continue the clear-up.
I heave myself out of the booth and pull on my coat, hat, and gloves before heading out into the snow. It squeaks under my boots but otherwise sound is deafened by the blanket of white. It is quite magical, and I wish Drekkan was here to share it with me.
Since his…or her…I’m not as confident as Drekkan is about the baby’s sex, kick earlier, they’re much more lively, and struggling through the snow isn’t helping. Every step seems to take an age to get closer to my home, and I very nearly both cheer and burst into tears when the building comes into view.
I’m just about to walk through the door when there is a deep booming noise followed by all the streetlights dimming and then winking out, plunging everything into a gloom which is alleviated by the whiteness of the snow lit by starlight as Kitchik doesn’t have a moon.
Slowly, lights come back on inside the dwellings around me, as presumably some sort of backup power supply kicks in, but the whole thing has unsettled me, so I quickly go inside and shut the door, activating the locking mechanism for anyone who isn’t pre-programmed to enter.
That way Drekkan can get back in when he finally returns. I curse him a little under my breath, but I can’t complain too much, given it was the mayor wanting to speak with him.