Page 28 of Only One More Lie

Andi shrugged. “He could have. I mean, what do we know? People have done stranger things for stranger reasons. I can’t help but think there’s some type of method to his madness. We just need to figure out what that is.”

Before she could say anything, footsteps sounded in the house, and a shadow moved in the distance.

Duke bristled and rose to his feet.

Was their earlier intruder back again?

And, if so, what had he come to do this time?

Then she saw a familiar face.

Caleb. He didn’t appear to know Andi and Duke were there.

Strange that he’d just walked right into Juniper’s private residence.

Or maybe it wasn’t.

“I know an opening when I see one.” She scrambled to her feet and wiped the dust from her jeans as she made her way into the living room.

Caleb flinched when she stepped out of the office, clearly startled by her presence. He stopped near the stairway and stared.

Where had he been headed? It almost looked as if he was walking to the bedrooms upstairs. But why would he go there?

“Can I help you?” He narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

“We’re here investigating the murders that happened at the camp last year.”

“I know. I saw you earlier in the dining hall.” He shoved his hands into his pockets and waited for her next move.

“You weren’t in here earlier, were you?”

He narrowed his eyes. “No. Why would you even ask?”

“Just curious.” Andi studied his face, searching for the truth. “You don’t think having us here is a good idea, do you?”

He pressed his lips together as if he didn’t want to answer. Finally, he said, “Not really. I told Juniper we should try to put what happened behind us, not stir up bad memories through the podcast.”

“And she didn’t listen to you.” Andi was curious about how deep Juniper and Caleb’s relationship went.

They were clearly more than friends. Were they close enough that Caleb helped her make decisions around here? Andi didn’t think so. But that was almost how it sounded.

He shrugged. “Juniper tends to be a bit of a Pollyanna. I try to guide her in the right direction.”

Whose right direction? Andi didn’t ask the question out loud. But why would Caleb think he knew better than Juniper? Than Tim?

“I thought that was what Tim did?” Andi finally asked.

Caleb’s gaze darkened. “Tim just wants to take this place over. He’s waiting for the moment Juniper cracks so he can move in. I’m trying to make sure this podcast isn’t the opening Tim has been looking for.”

That was an interesting way of viewing things.

She crossed her arms as their conversation continued. “Why do you think the podcast would be a crack?”

“It will bring more attention to the murders—and the camp. I think we should put that behind us, not dwell on it more. It’s bad publicity.”

Andi could see his point, although some people would say that any publicity was good publicity. She wasn’t sure that was true, however, especially not when it came to vacation destinations.

“Were you working here last year at this time?” Andi continued, determined to get some information from him. She didn’t like how squirrely he was acting.