Page 26 of Only One More Lie

These silly podcasters had no idea what they’d unleashed when they’d announced their next investigation. I didn’t like it when people cramped my style.

But I’d figure this out. One way or another, I would stop them.

ThoseRound Tablefools were going to regret the day they ever murmured the words, “December Dismemberer.”

My next victim was practically dead already.


Andi watched as Duke hurdled himself over the fallen bookcase as he took off after the intruder.

She climbed over much more gingerly, her heart racing.

She reached the hallway in time to see Duke disappear out the front door. But would he be too late to catch this guy?

Who had been inside this place with them?

Based on his actions, someone who was up to no good. Why else try to trap them in the room before running?

The deeper they dug into this case, the less she liked it.

The old Andi would have relished the challenge. The new Andi didn’t feel like herself. She didn’t feel quite so brave anymore.

Still, what was she doing just standing here? Duke might need her.

The spot on the top of her head began to throb like it did recently when she faced any type of stress or danger.

Andi tried to force herself away from her spot, but her feet felt as if they’d taken root to the floor.

Duke could need you, she reminded herself.

It took several minutes to work herself up to taking the first step.

The rest came more easily.

She reached the door and propelled herself outside.

But she didn’t see Duke anywhere.

There was only a set of footprints through the snow.

Please, Lord, let him be okay. Please.

Whoever the intruder was, the man was faster than Duke had anticipated.

Before Duke had even reached the front door, the man was already outside and headed past the barn and toward the woods.

As soon as Duke reached the trees, he paused.

The footprints disappeared.

Where had this guy gone?

The hairs on Duke’s neck rose.

What if this guy had stopped and was watching him now?

Duke had so many questions, but there were no answers. Not yet.