Emmett was still alive when the paramedics took him away. Duke was thankful for that.
One of the assistant managers at the camp had accompanied him.
As soon as the ambulance left, Duke found Andi. Something was going on with her lately, something she hadn’t opened up about.
She’d been more distant, more preoccupied. Some evenings, she disappeared, saying she just needed some time alone.
He was all for giving her the space she needed. He only wished Andi wouldn’t lock him out.
She’d been through a lot. They both had. And they needed each other to get through it.
He turned his gaze from her and scanned everyone around them.
Gibson was here and questioning Juniper. Two other police officers were on the scene, helping to manage the situation.
He paused beside her. “Anything I need to know?”
“Gibson doesn’t know how Pepper died yet. But the medical examiner is on his way. Maybe he can at least give us an approximate time of death.”
“Any details would be helpful.”
Duke glanced at the people who’d gathered and spotted the man Juniper had been arguing with when they arrived. The man still looked angry as he stood on the edge of the crowd.
What was up with him? Duke needed to find out, and there was no better time than now.
He excused himself from Andi and strode toward the man. The man was probably in his mid-thirties and lean with dark brown hair, black glasses, and a round face.
As soon as the guy saw him, his scowl deepened, and he shifted.
“I’m Duke,” he started. “You mind if I ask you a few questions?”
“You’re not officially on this case, so I’m under no obligation to answer.”
“No, you’re not. But we’re here to help, not to hurt.” Duke paused. “You mind if I ask who you are?”
“I’m Tim. Tim Burrows.”
Facts clicked in Duke’s mind. “Calvin’s brother?”
“That’s me.”
That could explain the tense discussion Duke had seen between this man and Juniper when the team had first arrived. “How long have you worked here, Tim?”
His jaw stiffened. “Three years.”
“Why don’t you want us here?” Duke crossed his arms as he cut to the chase.
“Who said I didn’t want you here?” Tim’s gaze held a challenge as he stared at Duke.
“It’s pretty obvious.”
He scoffed. “I looked upset earlier because Iwasupset. But not about you. If you really must know, I was upset because I had to kick a guest out today.”
The man’s explanation could make sense, but Duke wanted more information first. “Why is that?”
“He heard you guys might be coming, and he’s obsessed with Calvin and Mary’s murder. It was all I could do not to punch the guy.” His face reddened, and he shook his head. “Calvin and Mary were family. They deserve better than to simply be a headline, to be someone’s sick fascination.”
Duke nodded slowly. “I get that. We don’t want to glamorize this, if that’s what you’re thinking. We want justice.”