When Juniper ended the call, she looked at Andi and Simmy. “Emmett is awake, and he wants to talk to me.”
Duke and Gibson had successfully gotten Heath Klinkhart to calm down.
Duke instinctively didn’t like the man after he’d come in here acting so hot. But the man had also lost his daughter. He had to keep reminding himself of that fact.
Duke looked up as Andi walked over. She glanced at him and Gibson, then nodded in the distance, indicating she needed to tell them something.
They left Heath and followed Andi to the other side of the room.
“Juniper just got a call,” Andi told them. “Emmett is awake and wants to talk.”
“That’s great news,” Gibson said. “I’d like to talk to him as soon as possible. Do you think he saw something—or someone—before he found Pepper’s body?”
“It makes sense to me,” Duke said. “He basically said he had something to tell us, then started to say that someone killed Pepper. He didn’t have a chance to finish.”
Gibson glanced at his watch. “I’ll head back to the hospital. Even though the roads are slick, I think I can handle it.”
Andi tilted her head. “Are you sure? It’s pretty bad out there.”
“I need to know what’s going on,” Gibson said. “People’s lives may depend on those answers. Plus, there’s a break in the storm for the next few hours, but it’s supposed to get worse later.”
“Do you want one of us to go with you?” Andi asked.
“No, the best bet is for you guys to stay here,” Gibson said. “I’ll take one of my troopers with me just in case. But I’ll leave two of them here as well in case anything arises.”
“That sounds like a plan.” Andi glanced to Heath as he sulked in the corner. “And him?”
Gibson frowned as he studied the man. “I can’t exactly send him on his way considering his current mental state.”
“But I don’t know he should be around Juniper either.”
Almost as if he’d heard them, Heath stood. He almost seemed to growl as he stormed toward the door.
“Where are you going?” Gibson stepped toward him.
“I’m getting out of here. I can’t stomach being at this place a moment longer. Besides, you have no reason to keep me here.” Heath paused with his hand on the door as he stared at Gibson, challenge in his gaze. “So it’s my right to leave.”
The man had a point. There was no legal reason to hold him.
“That’s true. But the roads are bad,” Gibson reminded him.
“I’ll be fine!” Without another word, Heath charged out the door.
They all stood in silence in his wake. The man was grieving, yes. But he also had some major anger issues.
No wonder Pepper had wanted to get away.
Gibson let out a sigh before turning back to them. “I’m going to head out now also. I’ll let you know what I find out.”
Duke nodded. This could be their chance to find some answers. He hoped Emmett truly did know something that proved helpful.
Simmy had reminded the gang that they needed to eat in order to keep up their energy. Andi couldn’t argue.
For that reason, the gang grabbed breakfast.
They were essentially the only ones in the dining hall, other than two cooks. Apparently, the kitchen staff hadn’t quit and left like some of the other guests and employees.