Mariella sat up and glanced around the dark room, her eyes widening. “What did you hear?”
“I . . . I don’t know. Maybe a footstep.”
“In the room?” She pulled her blankets closer.
Had the noise come from inside the room? “No . . . not the bedroom. Maybe the living room.”
“Matthew probably just got up to get a snack or something.”
Andi’s heart slowed a minute. Mariella’s explanation made sense.
Why had she jumped to worst-case scenarios?
“You’re probably right.” Andi took a deep breath. “That’s all it is.”
Mariella turned toward, studying her face. “Why don’t you call Duke? Have him check things out, just to give you peace of mind.”
“That’s a good idea.” Andi knew she wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep until she did. She picked up her phone and couldn’t deny how badly her hand was trembling.
Before she could dial Duke’s number, Christmas music began blaring from the living room.
She froze and glanced at Mariella. Some of the reassurance she’d just seen in her friend’s face disappeared.
Everyone in their group knew better than to start blasting Christmas music at this hour.
Movement sounded in the room beside her.
Duke’s room.
Then a door opened.
Then nothing.
Except the music.
What was happening out there?
She and Mariella gripped each other’s arms as they waited and anticipated.
Just breathe in and out, Andi told herself. In and out.
She couldn’t let panic take over. She couldn’t let it win.
Because if it did, she would be rendered powerless. Even worse—she’d become a liability.
The top of her head began pounding at the thought. The pounding turned into an ache.
Andi squeezed her eyes shut and began to pray.
Duke heard the music and jumped out of bed. Just to be safe, he grabbed his gun.
What was going on out there at this hour?
He hurried to the door and cracked it open, peering out to make sure danger wasn’t waiting on the other side.
He saw nothing.
Still, he remained cautious as he edged his way out and glanced around.