Page 118 of Only One More Lie

He could do this. He had no choice.

Andi saw Duke appear. Saw the cabin going up in flames behind him.

Heath was clueless. He was too focused getting through the reindeer to notice anything else.

She held her breath.

Duke raised his gun.

As he did, Heath turned.

Saw Duke.

Raised his gun.

“No!” she shouted.

Then someone pulled the trigger.

But who?

Heath or Duke?

Both men fell to the ground.

But she couldn’t get through the reindeer to see if either man was okay.


Andi tried to run toward Duke. But too many reindeer were between the two of them.

The animals that had once provided protection now formed a barrier.

Panic raced through her.

She had to know if he was okay!

She started to run through the creatures again but realized what an in penetrable wall they had formed.

“I've got this,” Juniper murmured.

Andi watched as Juniper raised her hand to one of the reindeer. It took the animal a moment the pause. To sniff her.

But once one reindeer stopped walking, the rest of the creatures slowly began to stop also. The pause gave Andi just enough time to dart between the animals and run toward Duke. Ranger followed on her heels.

Finally, she managed to weave her way in and out of the creatures, to get beyond them to the two men lying on the ground.

Just as Andi reached them, she looked up. Four men raced toward them from the entrance.

State troopers, she realized.

Gibson was here.

But she prayed he wasn't too late.

She dropped onto her knees into the snow beside Duke.

He moaned as he lay there.