Page 106 of Only One More Lie

Andi’s breath caught, and shivers raced up and down her spine.

She knew what that meant.

Someone had wanted to trap them at the camp.

Someone had wanted Andi and her friends to be at his mercy.

Someone had wanted them to be afraid.

And that someone was a devious serial killer.

This guy had something planned—something she didn’t even want to think about.

“We just need to make the best of this until Gibson can get out here to help us.” Duke crossed his arms as he stood in front of the couch.

They’d gone back to the cabin, where they could stay warm. They simply didn’t have the equipment they needed to clear those trees from the road. They could take a snowmobile out of here, but even that was risky. They would need enough gas to get to Fairbanks.

At least Gibson knew what had happened. They’d called him, and he was on his way. However, it might take longer than usual due to road conditions.

While they waited, they decided to make good use of their time. They reviewed everything they knew while they ate lunch—lunch simply being sandwiches and coffee.

All the information they’d gathered was spread on the table in front of them.

What were they missing?

Everyone was quiet as they stared at the papers, and Andi resorted to doing her normal pacing.

“I want to examine the victims gain,” Andi murmured. “There has to be a connection we’re not seeing.”

“We’ve already been through all of them.” Duke leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms, exhaustion pressing on his shoulders until they ached.

“There has to be something we’re missing.”

Duke stared at her a moment and then nodded slowly. “Okay then. Let’s go through each of these victims again and see if we overlooked anything.”

Mariella tapped her fingers together. “The first victim was a utility worker in North Pole.”

They went through the rest. A gardener. A gift shop owner. A neonatal nurse. Someone who worked for a planetarium. And the owners of the reindeer farm.

“It seems pretty random to me,” Simmy murmured.

“Let’s talk about our first victim.” Andi paused and stared at his photo on the murder board. “What do we know about him?”

“His name was Robin Carson.” Mariella flipped through the papers until she found the sheet on him. “I actually talked to his wife this week. Said he was a quiet man who liked working with his hands. On the day he died, he’d been wrapping utility poles in North Pole.”

The whole town of North Pole was decorated for Christmas, including the signs around the community that looked like candy canes.

Andi froze and straightened. She sounded breathless as she asked, “What did you say he was doing?”

“He was wrapping utility poles to look like candy canes,” Mariella repeated, narrowing her eyes with confusion. “Why?”

Andi raised her head toward the ceiling and closed her eyes. “I might know the connection.”

Duke’s breath caught. “Then please share.”

They could use something encouraging.