Page 55 of Jael

“What is it you want?” Danny said. “To rile me up? ’Cause you caught me at a bad time. It’s been a big day.”

“Oh yeah, that’s right, you had that funeral. How was it?”

“I take it that’s a rhetorical question? You would have had someone there.”

“We did. But I like to get more than one perspective. How’s Jael taking it, do you think?”

“As well as can be expected, I suppose. It’s hard to adjust to the passing of a parent.”

“Not that you would know.”

Danny’s laugh was a snort. “That’s a low blow, even for you.”

“Look, I know we never got along well.”

“We could have if you hadn’t undermined me at every opportunity.”

“You were an unknown quantity. You still are. Unfortunately, you’re the only man for the job, so I’ll concede in the interest of bringing the Siseras down. But it’s no secret to Deborah that I’m not happy with this arrangement.”

“Well then, thank you for your support. Is that all? ’Cause I’m hungry, and this soup will take at least five minutes to warm up in the microwave.”

“Sorry to cramp your style, but some of us have a job to do.”

“Was there anything else pressing?”

“Yes. The report I received from my agent on the ground said Jael and Christopher got chummy. You have anything to add to that?”


“Nothing at all. The whole reason you are here is to direct Christopher and Jael’s engagement, and you have nothing to say?”

Danny pushed his tongue into his cheek. He hadn’t had to deal with his old aggression while in Kenya. The boys tested him, but in other ways. Here, he wanted to punch someone in the face nearly every day. “Nope.”

“Doesn’t matter. We all know how this is going to go. With her daddy gone, she’ll need to find another honey pot.”

Danny saw himself grabbing Barak by the scruff of the neck and booting him out the door. He kept the idea firmly in his head.

“She’s learned to do what’s necessary to survive,” he said. “And if she gets a considerable inheritance, it’s possible she can get rid of the men in her life and finally take control for herself.”

“If that was true,” Barak said, “then why was she so cozy with Junior?”

“If I knew, I would tell you.”

“Would you?”

“Yes. Frankly, I don’t know what she could see in the guy.”

“It doesn’t matter why. If she’s as keen on Christopher as she looked, then you had better get busy ingratiating yourself to her so she relies on you for her decision making.”

“And if no engagement comes?”

“There’s no plan B, if that’s what you’re asking. We’ve exhausted every other option. This is it, so you better make sure it happens.”

“What if I found another way?”

“There isn’t one.”

“What if there is?”