Page 52 of Jael

His footsteps clapped across the floor, then were silenced. When he didn’t appear in the kitchen and her equilibrium returned, she pulled herself up and carried the glass back to Sofia, who was settling herself back in the chair.

“Christopher’s gone inside,” Sofia said, breathless.

Jael nodded and pressed the water into her hand, then went to the living room.

Christopher was standing in front of her father with deep furrows between his brows. His fists rested on his hips as he took in the scene, but he glanced up when he noticed her enter.

“You should stay outside,” he said.

She shrugged. “I’ve already seen it.”

“You don’t look well.” He only waited a beat before moving to her and wrapping his arms around her.

The warm gesture was unexpected, and Jael stiffened at first but relaxed into the solidness of his embrace when the world shifted beneath her feet. She savored it, forgetting how she felt about him, unable to think beyond the moment until Christopher slowly pulled her away, keeping his hands on her arms to steady her.

He looked her over. “I know this is a stupid question, but are you okay?”


The corner of his mouth lifted in a smile. “I’m not sure what that means. And I don’t like not being able to fix it for you.”

“I need time. That’s all. I don’t even know what to do next.”

“I’ve called the ambulance and police.”


“I’m sure it’s not necessary, but I thought it best.”

She nodded. “And then what?”

“We’ll need to organize his funeral, but don’t worry about any of that now. I’ll do what I can for you. My dad and I will be here for whatever you need.”

“This isn’t your responsibility. I just need a few hours to get my head around what’s happened.”

He took her hand. “Please. I know how independent you are. I know you can do this all yourself, but I want to help.”


He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her toward the door. “There’s no need to hang around in here. Is there a room I can take you to? Somewhere you’d be comfortable waiting? I’d take you home, but?—”

“No, I’m okay. I’ll sit with Sofia. We’ll wait in the sunroom. She’ll need the support.”

“You’re a generous person, Jael. Always looking out for everyone around you.” He tucked her hair behind her ear, his knuckles brushing her cheek. “But who will look after you?”

She couldn’t meet his eye. “I’ll be okay. My dad would have made sure of it.”

“Of course he would. He loved you very much.”

She bit her tongue. “Thank you for being here.” She pulled from his grasp and went to Sofia, who she found crying softly.

“I can’t believe he’s gone.” Her Mexican accent was stronger in her grief. “He was so good to me.”

“I know he was.” Jael helped her stand, supported her as they went to the sunroom.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do now that he’s gone.” Sofia sniffed.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if my father made provisions for you to be looked after.” Jael directed her to a chair. “How about I make us some tea?”