“There was no need.”
“She’s terrified.”
Martin took a step toward her. “Because of you.” His cheek pulsed as he ground his teeth.
Jael, not unaccustomed to intimidation, refused to back down. “I’m not the one who hits her.”
When Martin took another step, Christopher grabbed him and pulled him back. “Let’s all settle down. We can sort this out like grownups. Right Jael?”
“This was being dealt with through the proper channels until you brought Martin here. I’m not the one making everything more complicated.”
“Your problem,” Christopher said, “is that you’re completely one-sided on this. I’m here to talk Becca down to earth whereshe belongs. You being here won’t help. You’re too caught up in this need to make a difference, so you’re creating problems where they don’t exist.”
“Did Hannah send you the file?” Jael said.
“She did.”
“Did you look at it?”
“And I didn’t see anything in there that couldn’t be explained away,” Christopher said. “It’s all conjecture, and you’re going to drag that poor woman through the court system only to come out the other side more broken than when she went in. If she keeps following you on your ridiculous crusade, she could end up losing her kids.”
Jael held her tongue. He was baiting her. “You shouldn’t have told Martin where she is. I’m putting it in the report.”
“I have every right to know where my wife and kids are,” Martin shouted.
“Christopher,” Jael said. “I’d appreciate it if you would take Martin away from here right now before I call the police. If he wants to settle this, he can do it in court.”
Martin scoffed, and Christopher said, “I’m afraid that won’t work. I made a promise to Martin that Heber Industries wouldn’t be involved in tearing families apart. If Becca doesn’t come to him now, willingly, she’ll end up on the street because Vita Nova will no longer have the use of this house.”
Jeal held her breath while her mind fought for an answer. She would lose everything. “Why are you doing this?”
“Me? You’re the one keeping this man’s family from him. And we aren’t leaving without them.”
She looked at the house, hoping Becca couldn’t hear what was being said. The threat of her kids being taken from her could be enough for her to crumble.
“Please.” Jael hated herself for pleading, but she was unsteady, not knowing whether or not Christopher was bluffing. She hadn’t considered before that he had a few connections with the police. With him here, things could go badly for Becca if the wrong cops turned up.
“Why don’t you go home,” Christopher said.
She pulled out her phone. There was one possibility, but involving Danny might not be a good move either. He may not want anything to do with this. If she had any other choice… She put the phone to her ear.
“You calling the police?” Christopher said, not looking worried.
Danny’s phone went through to his voice mail. She hung up and sent a text instead. If she could stall long enough for him to arrive, there may still be a chance.
“I’d like to go inside and speak to Becca,” Jael said. “But I don’t want anyone following me in.”
“If you go in, I’m going in,” Martin said.
Jael sighed and looked at Christopher like she wanted him to discipline a puppy.
“He has more right to go in there than you do,” Christopher said.