“Is this phone call simply to irritate me? Or do you have something of value to offer? Because I’ve had a win on another case, and you’re ruining my high.”
“Oh yeah? What case?”
“It’s classified.”
“You’ve given me clearance.”
“Only when it comes to the Siseras.”
“I’m surprised you don’t trust me.”
“It’s not a matter of trust. If you’d like to do more work for me, I’d be happy to bring you on board.”
“You sure know how to ruin a moment.”
“You’re not too bad at it yourself,” she said. “But that’s okay. I can fix it. I’ve gotten word from my contact in Nairobi. They’ve released Adisa.”
“I told you I have influence.”
“Thank you.” Danny was unprepared for the surge of emotion. He did a quick swipe of his face but kept it out of his voice. He didn’t want Deborah to know how much it meant to him. “That’s one thing off my mind.”
“Good. I hope that means you’ll be completely invested in bringing the Siseras down.”
“That’s why I’m calling.”
“I hope it’s to tell me there’s been an engagement.”
“No. But there’s been a new development.”
“I’m listening.”
“Gregory Heber was murdered.”
She didn’t hesitate to respond. “You have proof?”
“I’ve got enough to convince me it wasn’t a heart attack.”
Deborah sighed heavily into the phone. “Except it’s not you I need to convince. You already know what he’s guilty of. If I can’t use it to put Artus away, what difference does it make?”
“Give me a chance, will you? I only found this out about two minutes ago.”
“This better not be wishful thinking. I spoke to Agent Barak.”
“Did you? He’s always a joy.”
“I know you guys never got along, but I’d appreciate it if you’d make an effort. It will make all our lives better.”
“Iwasmaking an effort. And yes, I mentioned to Barak that I’d prefer to come at Artus another way. Jael’s been used enoughin life. If we can bring Artus down without her, wouldn’t that be better for everyone?”
“By everyone, you mean you?”
“You brought me on this case because you need to take Artus down. Does it matter how we get the job done? You had your idea. I might have a better one.”
“All right. I’ll bite. Tell me what you’ve got.”