Page 42 of Jael

“She likes you—I mean, in a friend zone sort of way.”

“Friend zone.”

“Yeah, you know, when a guy likes a girl, but she only wants to be friends.”

“I know what it means.”

“I see the way she is when you two talk. She’s comfortable with you. I’d go so far as to say she trusts you to a degree. Talk me up to her. Tell her all my attributes. Why I would be a perfect catch— Actually, better yet, tell her you saw me talking to Molly Springwood.”

“Who’s that?”

“Daughter of a politician. She and Jael don’t get along. Say we looked very familiar with each other.”

“That wouldn’t work on Jael.”

“It works on everyone.”

Danny felt like he was in the schoolyard. “If you think it will work, I’m willing to give it a try, but what if she considersyouto be in the friend zone?”

“I’m not friend material. Women only burn for me. Jael does too. You just need to help her see it. Butter her up. Make the process smoother for when she’s forced to rely on me for her wellbeing.”

Every muscle in Danny’s body tightened. “Why would she be forced to rely on you?”

“Time stops for no man. One day, Gregory Heber will be no more. I want the transition to be an easy one for her.”

“I’ll do what I can, but we’re not as close as you seem to think.” His voice was clipped.

“All I’m asking is for you to try. Your future with my family depends on it. It won’t be long and you won’t have Gregory to rely on anymore, either.”

“I get the distinct impression that wouldn’t bother you too much,” Danny said.

“I’m pragmatic, and your time is up.” They pulled up outside an aging two-story house with broken shutters. It was a bad part of town in the outer suburbs of the city. “Are you in or out?”

“I’m in. Definitely in. But if this is the place, it’s probably time you told me what we’re doing.”

“You’re not doing anything besides keeping your mouth shut and backing me up. There’s a guy here named Burger who has made things uncomfortable for my dad. I’m here to make sure he stops doing that.”

“That’s it?”

“That’s it.”

“And this is what keeps you sharp? Scratches that itch? Seems a menial task for you.”

“I don’t mind lowering myself to something like this. Helps me get out the aggression that’s been building.”

“I take it you keep this side of yourself from Jael?”

“You say that like you think she’s the perfect little angel. Trust me, she’s as soiled as they come. That’s why I know we’ll get along so well together. But yes, it would be better not to mention it.”

Christopher opened the glove box and pulled out a gun, handing it over. “Only use it if you have to. We want this guy to live another day.”

“I told you, I don’t kill people.”

“You never know what will happen in the moment, though, right? Now, when we get to the door. I’ll stay out of sight. Burger knows me, but he doesn’t know you. You knock and call out a pizza delivery or something. I’ll do the rest.”

“Anything else I need to know?”

“No.” He got out, and Danny followed, tucking the gun where it wouldn’t be seen.