“Is that what you were arguing over the other day at the office?”
“How do you know about that?”
“It’s my job to know things. Sounded like things were tense.”
“It’s not any of your business,” Christopher said.
“I don’t mean to pry.”
“Don’t you?”
“I’m curious.”
Christopher looked at him sideways. “You should know curiosity will get you killed in this business.”
“I’m not allowed to ask a genuine question?”
“Sounds more like you’re digging for something.”
“Just putting the pieces together. Heber’s not connected to any criminal activity. And while no one can prove it, I don’t think it’s a secret to anyone paying attention that Jabin Enterprises is dubious at best. It makes sense that you’d be looking at using your power as CEO to further your interests. I know I would.”
“Good business is good business.”
“It’s impressive what your dad has built.”
“He’s taught me everything I know. That’s why Gregory wanted me for the job. I don’t suppose he’s talked to you about it.”
“Not really.”
“He hasn’t said anything?”
That’s when everything crystalized for Danny. He wasn’t here to help; he was here to feed Christopher intel on Gregory and probably Jael. That was an angle he could work with.
“We haven’t had a lot of time together, but wewereclose a decade ago. We could be close again.”
“You’re loyal to him. That’s admirable.”
Danny shrugged. “He’s been good to me, and I appreciate it. I’m not going to bite the hand that feeds me, but I go where the most desirable work is. Where I’m most valued.”
“That’s smart. My dad likes smart, and so do I. But can you be discreet?”
“When it’s called for.”
“Then we may have a job for you.”
“I thought that’s whatthiswas.”
“That’s not what this is. But you already knew that. We have a lot of work in progress. You could move things along. It would speak volumes to those who hear it.”
“You just tell me which wheels need greasing.”
“Gregory, for one.”
“I don’t think he’d listen to me about business matters. I couldn’t get him off your back if that’s what you’re asking. I’ve always been useful for the more hands-on assignments.”
“What about Jael?”
“What about her?”