Page 111 of Jael

“He never says much,” Jael noted, then laughed when he whooped at the boys as he ran over. “Or maybe it’s just me.”

“Trust me, once you get to know him, you can’t shut him up. You’ve only been here a few days, but I can tell that they like you.”

“That’s good, ’cause I’ll be hanging around for a bit.”

“When you said you wanted to get married over here, I didn’t think you really meant it.”

“There isn’t a lot left for me back home. All my friends aren’t my friends. Not really. Everything’s connected to my dad or the Siseras in some way. Being here is a fresh start I never knew I could have.”

“When I first came here, it was a way to escape. I never would have imagined being here with my wife and maybe kids one day. I’d accepted my life as it was and had given up on the idea.”

“I know. You’ve said that.”

He jerked her closer. “And I’ll say it again and again and again because God is so good. And to be with you, no less. It’s hard to believe.”

“I bet I can make you believe it.”

“Oh, yeah?” He turned to her. “How?”

She moved close, her lips touching his as she spoke. “I’d show you, but the boys are headed over, and I’d hate to embarrass you.”

“That’s too bad.” He wrapped his arm around her and tipped her backward, kissing her as he went to cheers and whoops.

“You two need us to come back later?” Deborah said, returning as Danny righted Jael.

“Just fitting them in when we can,” Danny said, sliding his hand down Jael’s arm and taking her hand. “Ready to go?”

“Ready when you are.” Deborah looked at Jael, and the two women shared a smile that Jael found odd. It was as though none of what had happened had surprised Deborah. Like she knew more than any of them gave her credit for and that things had turned out exactly as she’d known they would.