“You quoted the Bible.”
“I know.”
“Psalm two.”
“Verse one,” he said. “I know.”
“Youknow scripture?”
“Should I not?”
“I didn’t expect you to be so studied up, but I guess it’s important as an agent to know about all religions.”
He laughed lightly and scratched his eyebrow. “I don’t know scripture for my job. I’m not that disciplined about work.”
“Then what’s it for?”
“It’s bread for life. I couldn’t do without it.”
Em blinked a few times as she tried to make sense of what he’d said. All of her assumptions about him lined up and were staring her in the face. She’d been very, very wrong. “You’re a Christian.”
“That’s a shock to you.” The small curve at the edge of his mouth embarrassed her. He was amused by her ignorance instead of offended. He wasn’t bothered in the slightest by the misunderstanding, but part of her wished he had been. That it mattered to him.
“I hate to admit that it is,” she said, tossing the hotdogs back into the fridge and closing it.
“You didn’t expect a guy like me could have a personal relationship with Jesus?”
“It—” …challenged everything she thought she knew about him, and now she had to revisit every conversation they’d had and every action he’d taken.
“Don’t worry about it,” he said. “It’s not like I ever offered you that information. And we all have our prejudices. Even the disciples. None of us is perfect.”
“I’m an idiot. I made up my mind about you too soon. I’m sorry.”
“I said don’t worry about it.”
“I do. I should know better. I’m actually a Christian too.”
“I figured.”
“You did not. You’re just saying that to make me feel bad.”
He laughed. “I’m really not. It’s the way you talk and your God-given gift of discernment.”
“Now you’re picking on me.”
“Maybe a little.” His smile dropped from his face at the same time his head jerked to the side.
“What—” was all Em could get out before he dove for her, knocking her to the floor and crushing the air from her lungs. Shots exploded into the room, and she tried to scream, but she had no breath left.
Chapter 20
Jep rolledoff of Em and pulled his gun as the door was kicked in. He fired, pushing their assailants back.
“Get to the bedroom.” He shoved her forward. “I’ll be right behind you.” He fired a few more rounds as he scrambled after her, putting himself between her and their attackers.
He slammed the bedroom door shut and dove beside the bed as a volley of bullets tore into the walls. Scrambling up to his knees, he shot at the door, then bumped the bedside table, knocking the statue to the floor, where it shattered.