“I have no doubt you could. But what would warrant you sneaking out with me? You said it wasn’t dangerous, but you’re not going on your own.”
“Maybe it’s not for protection. Maybe I like your company.”
He shook his head and pulled onto the street. “You’re telling me there’s absolutely no chance of danger?”
She pressed her lips together and nodded.
“And yet,” he said. “You were afraid if you told me where we were going, I’d leave you behind.”
“Okay, so maybe there is a slight chance of danger, but it’s very slight. Almost imperceptible.”
“I don’t believe you. So, we’re on the road now. Where are going?”
“Turn right up here.”
“That’s it? You’re going to give me directions?”
“We’re going to an apartment building.”
“Where someone lives?”
“Not right at this very moment, but yes.”
He looked at her when he stopped at the red light. “Don’t tell me you’ve discovered where Jade’s been living.”
“As a matter of fact…”
“By doing the job I was hired to do. I gathered the data and put it together.”
“Does anyone else know?”
“A couple of low-level guys who helped me with traffic cams. Although they don’t know whose address it was they helped me find. And Gardener knows because I needed her to cover for me.”
“Gardener agreed to cover for you? I don’t know how you do it.”
“Do what?”
“Get people to do things for you.”
“The traffic guys owed me a favor, and Gardener isn’t so bad once you get to know her. I think this case has made everyone step outside of their usual lines. We all want these guys. We’re all willing to do what’s necessary, even if it’s unconventional. Even Lawson.”
“He’s going to be furious when he finds out where you’ve gone.”
“Maybe, but he’ll be happy about what we find, and I’m sure that will soften him up.”
“There’s no softening up Lawson.”
“Everything softens with a bit of warmth.”
“Not rocks. They crack when they’re heated.”
“Okay, so it wasn’t the best analogy.”
“You’re also assumingwe find what we need. We might not. They could have cleared out. Or they could have left us evidence we’re supposed to find like before.”
“They were carrying what they wanted us to find. And Jade’s had ample opportunity to tell us if that’s what they wanted us to know.”