Page 75 of Jep

Em closed her eyes for a second to steady herself, then went to the kitchen, where Pearce found her.

“I was hoping to have a word with you,” he said. “Wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“I wish everyone would stop worrying about me so much.” She focused on the cup as she added two sachets of sugar.

“We’d worry if it were any one of us. This is a big deal. Nothing has been normal for you since Jep turned up. Even Gardener’s concerned, and she’s not one for showing any kind of emotion.”

“I think she’s worried she’s going to lose her mole. She likes having someone from her department out in the field.” Em forced a smile. “We get to see firsthand what we usually only hear about when you guys finally come back to the office and write your reports.”

“Em.” He put a hand on her arm to get her to face him, but all she could do was grip the cup and stare into it. “After what happened yesterday, you must be ready for things to return tothe way they were. You have enough disruption in your life right now. You don’t need to add fuel to that fire.”

“Nothing will make this any easier.”

“You’re upset. I don’t blame you. Jep promised he’d keep you away from danger, and he sent you right into it. Again. And this time, you had the trauma not only of being forced to kill a man, but to see your sister like that—that’s a lot for anyone.”

Now she turned to him. “It was my idea to go up onto the rise, and I was the one who disobeyed an order and went to my sister. Besides which, if I hadn’t been there, there’s no telling who else could have died. I’m glad I was there.”

“But it was Jep’s responsibility to keep you safe.”

“Can we change the subject?”

“He’s a good agent, but I can’t help but feel he has his own agenda.”

Em refused to bite. “How’re things going with Jade?”

“Okay, we don’t have to talk about Jep.”


“I wish I had better news for you. Your sister’s not talking.”

“At all? Does she know that answering our questions will help her situation? Does she know how much trouble she’s in?”

“Yes. We know how to interrogate a suspect—sorry, I don’t mean to— It’s frustrating to be so close and yet continue to come up emptyhanded.”

“What if I spoke to her?”

“I don’t think Lawson would go for it. And I can’t see how it would make any difference. You’d just be wasting your time.”

“Then I’ll waste my time. Or I’ll get her to cooperate. We won’t know unless we try.”

“What about Lawson?”

“He’s busy. ”

“Emery Chapman circumventing protocol. So youdohave it in you after all.”

“Must be all this field work I’m doing. Getting a taste for it. Come on. A couple of minutes. If she didn’t set off that bomb because of me, then maybe I have some influence with her.”

Pearce looked out the kitchen door, then looked at his watch. “Okay, but you won’t have long.”

Chapter 17

“I don’t supposethere’s any chance you’ll let me speak to her alone?” Em said when they reached the room where Jade was being held.

“No. Sorry. Getting you in here is as far across the line as I’ll go, and it’s only because I’m hoping it will make a difference.”

He unlocked the door and entered the room with Emery right behind him.