Page 34 of Jep

“We use your position to our advantage.”

“I’m all for that, but I don’t see how. I don’t even really understand why he would choose me over someone like Pearce.”

“Maybe it doesn’t matter. Whatever made him choose you, it means you’ll be there on the front lines. You’ll have access to information we only get after the fact in reports from the agents.”

“I hadn’t thought about it like that.”

“It could turn out to be a significant benefit. I’ve known you long enough, Em. You can handle the pressure. And you’ll see firsthand what you’ve always only read about.”

“But will that make a difference to our analysis?”

“Absolutely. It’s a dream come true having one of my best on site. There’s no middleman.”

“I guess that’s true.”

“It was a good move going along with this. I want you to report back to me everything you and Agent Booth discover. Every detail. I want to know your movements and what he’s thinking. Get inside his head if you can, but be careful. I expect he’ll put his own spin on what he finds, which makes this even more crucial.”

“Wow, yeah. That’s true. I can make sure he’s bringing back the facts.”

“We don’t know if he has another agenda, but if he does, we’ll know immediately. Em. this is the best thing that could have happened.”

“Thank you. You’ve really helped me get my head around it. I do wish I understood why he chose me though.”

“My best guess is it’s because you’re pretty. He probably thinks you’ll be a nice distraction while he’s back. And alsoyou’re an analyst, so you won’t have any input. He expects to act like he’s working alone. He’ll walk all over you if you let him, and he’ll probably attempt to charm you. It’s up to you to resist.”

“You don’t have to worry about that. But if he crosses a line, I’ll report him.”

“Of course. And that’s the right thing to do. But better if it doesn’t come to that. If he knows you’re not interested, I doubt he’ll pursue that line. All you have to do is be a fly on the wall. If he forgets you’re there, even better. Be all eyes and ears. And remember, I want to know everything.”

“Yeah. I won’t miss a thing.”

“Good. And don’t forget, I’m behind you one hundred percent. You have any trouble, you come to me first. Let me deal with it.”

“Thank you.” She had been anxious about telling Gardener the mess she’d gotten herself into, but her boss had turned everything around. And it was the most positive interest she’d gotten from her since starting with the task force. She’d been praying that their relationship would strengthen.

Your ways are higher than my ways. She smiled as the verse came to mind.

“I would hope it goes without saying,” Gardener said, “that you’re still under my charge, even while you’re with him. I consider you to be my responsibility.”

“I understand.”

“Good. Now go out there and do what I know you can.”

“Thank you. Again. You’ve been very helpful.”

After collecting her purse from the back of her chair, she stopped by the bathroom and checked the stalls to confirm she was alone before she called her aunt.

“Everything okay?” Carla said.

“More or less. I’m being sent out into the field with a man I don’t trust.”

“Wait. What? I didn’t know you did work outside the office.”

“I don’t. There’s this new guy—actually, he’s not new. He used to work here. Then he was asked to leave. Long story, but he’s been asked to come back because we need the help, and I’ve been stuck with him as his partner.”

“That sounds…unconventional.”

“It is. Analysts don’t go out into the field. He’ll probably leave me in the car while he does whatever it is he’s going to do.”