Page 28 of Jep

“Look, Jep, I don’t mean to sound harsh, but we all expect you to carry more than your own weight in this investigation. It’s a risk bringing you back, so if you want to change people’s minds about you, you’re going to have to perform.”

“I’m not here to change people’s minds. I’m here to get the job done.”

“Good.” He knocked on the desk to finalize their conversation, then hopped to the floor. Several pairs of eyes returned to their work after he walked away.

“It’s hard not to burn bridges when everyone’s holding a torch ready to set me on fire.” He said it to himself, but Pearce responded.

“They’ll cool down once you’re settled in.

“We’ll see.”

“I’ll get you those files.”

Pearce entered Lawson’s office and clasped his hands behind his back until his boss finished the phone call he was on.

“How’s he looking?” Lawson said.

“I think it will work.”

“It had better. Everything’s riding on Jep’s involvement. I hope you’ve been making yourself amenable to him.”

“I haven’t been starting a fight, if that’s what you mean.”

“What’s the temperature in the room?”

“There aren’t a lot who are happy to have him back.”

“Good. Maybe it will encourage him to behave.”

“I’d say it will have the opposite effect.”

“You’d better hope it doesn’t. But the dislike could work in our favor. He wants to choose his own partner. I’d like it to be you. Unless you have a problem with that?”

“None at all. We get along better than any of the other agents so far.”

“Good. If he believes he has some kind of connection with you, he’ll trust you. I want to know what he’s thinking. Where he’s heading.”

“You don’t think he’ll share that information with you?”

“Jep has always kept his cards close to his chest. I need an extra pair of eyes.”

“That won’t be a problem.”

“Do whatever you need to do to make sure you’re his partner of choice.”

“I don’t know that he has much of a choice, but I’ll continue to support him.”


“Sir, I want you to know I’m on his side until he proves otherwise. I offered him as an option for a reason. And I’ll do whatever is in my power to facilitate his success.”

“You say that now, but you don’t know him like I do.”

“I’m willing to overlook some difficulties. Right now, the objective has to outweigh our personal feelings.”

“You think it’s my feelings that are hurt by his return?”

“All I mean is that making his life hell won’t help him to do what needs to be done.”