Page 27 of Jep

Lawson sighed and finished giving Jep a once over. “I shouldn’t be surprised. You haven’t changed much.”

“Neither have you.” Both men left a lot unsaid. Each of them had nukes they could blast at the other, so there remained an unsteady truce.

Jep had been sure he’d forgiven Lawson, but the clenching anger in his gut made it clear he hadn’t.

Is this why you brought me here?he prayed.To prove a point?That meant he’d have to find a way to let it go. Maybe if they could work together peacefully toward the same end, he’d find it easier.

“I take it everything’s in order?” Lawson asked Pearce.

“Yes, sir. I’ve been briefing Jep on events up till now.”

“Good. Jep, that desk over there can be yours. Make yourself at home.”

Jep looked, his gaze sliding past his own desk to Emery’s further along. She was focused on her computer. Maybe a little too focused.

“I’ll leave you two to debrief,” Lawson said and made his exit.

As they crossed the room, Jep made eye contact with those who looked his way. Some smiled. Some didn’t. He nodded toward Emery when she looked at him. She smiled with her lips firmly together.

“Nice,” Jep said as he sat, testing out his chair. “These are new. Stiffer than the last ones but in a good way. And less squeaky.”

“I don’t expect you’ll spend much time here.”

“Hopefully not.” He leaned back. “If I’m trying to look at the bright side, one good thing about being despised by your co-workers?—”

“No one here despises you.”

“Can you say that and look me in the eye? All I’m saying is, I have a newfound appreciation for all the trouble the boys back at the workshop gave me. Their antagonism is no match for the hostility in this room right now.”

“I doubt anyone in here will give you a black eye.”

“This wasn’t meant for me.”

Pearce smirked. “Whatever you say.”

An agent he recognized from his time there before headed toward his desk.

“Agent Bailey,” Jep said. “Good to see you.”

“I never thought I’d see you back here again.” Bailey roosted on the corner of the desk, a posture that made him look both casual and superior. In a moment, he might even crow.

“You and me both,” Jep said. “Was there something you needed, or is this a social call?”

“Had to see it with my own eyes. When Lawson agreed to bring you back, I thought I must be dreaming.”

“I’m only here to help.”

“You sure?”

“There is nothing else on this earth that could have dragged me back here. Trust me.”

“I hope that means we can count on you.”

“You always could.”

“It’s too bad your closest allies aren’t around to stick up for you anymore. Gill had your back a lot after you left.”

“He’ll be missed.”