“Thank you,” Pearce said. “I know your relationship with Lawson is strained, but we all appreciate your help. Even Lawson.”
“We’ll see how that manifests itself once I’m back on the team.”
“We’re all focused on the same goal.”
“That’s the idea,” Jep said. “When do you want me to start?”
“The sooner the better. We’ll need you to come in and get the paperwork in order before we can fill you in on all the details.”
“I can take the afternoon off if you want me to come in now. The boys don’t need me here for the rest of the day.”
“Now would be great.”
“I’ll get my bike and follow you in.”
“Actually, it would be better if you came in with us.”
“In the car?”
“Security reasons,” Pearce said. “It will be simpler that way. You understand.”
“Not really. Someone will have to drive me home again.”
“That won’t be a problem. But you don’t have clearance right now. It would be a lot of messing around.”
“If you say so. I’ll get my stuff and be right out.”
“You’re not getting changed?”
He looked down at his greasy jeans. “Good point. Give me a minute.”
Pearce waited until Jep had gone back inside before he got back in the car.
“You did good,” he said to Em.
“I wasn’t too harsh?”
“No, I was impressed. I don’t think I’ve heard that sort of confidence come out of you before.”
“I haven’t had the need. What if he asks you to be his partner?”
“I wouldn’t have any problem with that.”
“Really? You have way more patience than me. I spoke to him for two minutes, and I already can’t stand him.”
“All you have to do is ignore his arrogance and remember what a good agent he is.”
“I don’t have any personal experience with him as an agent, remember?”
“Then take my word for it.”
“You’re assuming he’s on top of his game.”
“He handled himself pretty well just now.” He laughed at her scowl. “I told you people either love him or hate him. You’re obviously the latter, but it’s what makes him good at his job.”
“I trust your judgement, but I don’t have to like it.”
“I’m sorry you had to be here for this.”