Page 128 of Jep

“That’s very forward of you.”

“But you’re not pulling away.”


“Good.” He leaned in and kissed her. Carefully at first. Tentative. It was a couple of seconds before her arms found their way around him with no more hesitation until the laughter started and some hoots from across the room.

Jep smiled against her mouth before he dipped his head to rest his forehead against hers.

“That’s embarrassing,” Em said with a chuckle.

“For them. Not for us.” He continued to hold her close. “They mean well, even if they’re obnoxious from time to time.”

“We’ll have to do something about that.”

“Oh, don’t worry. I’ve got plenty of chores to give them if they need to be taught a lesson.”

“You think that’s a good idea? Won’t that make them resent me when I start hanging around a little?”

“A little? That’s it? I’m only an hour out of town.”

“Forty minutes from my place.”

“That’s not far.”

“No. It’s not.”

“Then I expect to see a lot more of you than a little.”

He pressed forward, moving her back to a more private spot and kissed her again.


“Slow down, Bonnie,”Emery said to the three-year-old girl tugging on her arm. “You know mommy can’t move very fast right now.” She rubbed the top of her bulging belly where she could feel the baby kicking into her ribs.

“Katie has cucumbers!” A six-year-old announced from her place beside a teenage girl who was pulling weeds.

Bonnie ran to her sister and dropped onto her knees.

“The cucumbers,” Em said, “had no option but to grow. Katie, you’ve been nursing those things since they’ve been planted. But where’s your hat?”

Katie smiled and scratched her shaved head. “In my room.”

“Jade, honey,” Em said to the six-year-old. “Can you go run and get Katie’s hat for her?” Jade jumped to her feet and sprinted for the house. “You’re going to get a sunburn, Kate. That won’t be very comfortable.”

“I’ve had worse.”

“That doesn’t make it okay. But I’m glad I’ll have cucumbers tonight for a salad.”

“I told you, I’m on dinner tonight,” Katie said. “You need to put your feet up.”

“If I keep walking, maybe I’ll get this baby to hurry up and get out. I’m tired of having to lever myself in bed every time I want to roll over.”

“You still have a week until your due date. Be patient.”

Em groaned. “Easy for you to say.”

Jade returned and fitted the hat onto Katie’s head.