“I guess… He’s everything I never imagined could be in one man.”
“You’re afraid he’s too good to be true?”
“No, it’s not that—it’s?—”
“Well, who am I? I had all these expectations about the man I would be with one day. He probably has the same expectations about a future wife.”
“I doubt he’s put as much analyzing into it as you have.”
“So? It doesn’t really matter. Why would he be interested in a girl like me?”
“He must be, otherwise he wouldn’t have tried to kiss you.”
“But he still left.”
“What if God wanted him back at that other job? He’s supposed to go against God’s wishes? Don’t you want a man who chooses God over you?”
“You are so frustrating.”
“Why? Because I’m right? What did he say when he left?”
“That’s it? Did he invite you to visit?”
“Kind of.”
Carla groaned. “You say I’m frustrating. What did he say? Exactly.”
“He said he hoped I would visit sometime. But he was being polite.”
“No, he wasn’t. Let’s get that straight right now. I can forgive you your ignorance because men can turn our minds into Jello, but what he did was leave a door open hoping—probably praying—that you would walk through it. I think you should go see him.”
“That is a terrifying thought.”
“You said you weren’t scared.”
“I lied.”
“So? You’ve done plenty of scary things. Visiting the man you may be in love with is worth facing the fear.”
“What if I turn up and he’s disappointed to see me?”
“Then you’ll know. Wouldn’t it be worse to get ten years down the road not knowing? Every day wondering what would have happened if you took a chance?” When Em scrunched up her face in indecision, Carla said, “Look, if you visit him, and he’s standoffish and isn’t showing any interest, you can say goodbye and that’s it. No harm done.”
Em looked up at the sky, a pile of emotions bearing down on her. “I can’t do this right now. Can we change the subject?”
“You’re right. Our emotions are high today.”
“You want what’s best for me, and I love you for that. But I think maybe God brought Jep into my life to help me embrace the person He created me to be. I’m satisfied with that.”
“Are you?”
“Okay. I’ll let it go.”