“I know I’m not the easiest person to get along with, but I’m not heartless. Please, have a seat.”
“Thank you.”
“I’m so sorry to hear about your sister. I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but I’m impressed you’re straight back to work.”
“It’s been a shock, but keeping busy helps.”
“Have they let you see her?”
“Yesterday. But don’t mention it. Lawson doesn’t know. Pearce did me a favor.”
“You’re really leaning into this field work. Well done.”
Em was relieved to hear her say so. She’d never found Gardener to be much of an ally. At least some good had come out of all the chaos.
“I’m trying to be more proactive,” Em said.
“Did your sister give you anything helpful? Has she told you anything that could help?”
“I thought she would, but she won’t talk to me. I had hoped…never mind. It doesn’t matter. It is what it is, and I have other skills at my disposal.”
“That’s a positive angle to take. You have something specific in mind?”
Em bit her lip. “I need to ask a really big favor.”
“Sure. Whatever I can do to help the case.”
“I found out where Jade’s been living. It turns out she’s been in the US for almost a year now preparing for this.”
Gardener leaned forward a fraction. “You know where she lives? Does Lawson know? How’d you figure it out?”
“Doing what I do best. Looking at the data. I called in a few favors around the place too. But I haven’t told anyone else.”
“I see. Well done. And what is it you need from me?”
“Lawson wants me off the case, but I want to have a look at her apartment before they move in. Once Lawson knows, he won’t let me anywhere near what they find, and I might see something they miss because she’s my sister.”
“I see. You do know taking you off a case is normal protocol when family is involved, though, right?”
“I know. And I’m not saying they’re necessarily wrong…except in this case.”
“Please. I know how it sounds. But I only need half a day. Can you cover for me? Tell Lawson you’ve got me an assignment if he asks? That’s all I need from you.”
“Can I ask why the sudden change? You’ve been a disciplined, quiet worker the whole time I’ve known you. What’s happened?”
“I don’t know. I guess I’m starting to believe in myself.”
“There are easier and safer ways to go about stepping into a new you. Running off to check on the residence of a terrorist is not prudent.”
“I have to.”
“Can you bring someone with you? Pearce?”
“Pearce wouldn’t let me near the place.”
“Have you asked?”