Page 30 of Jep

Pearce’s eyes lifted to him. “Yes.”

“The autopsies suggested some of them were dead for a few days already.”

“That’s correct.”

“I couldn’t find any follow up on that.”

“There was nothing to follow up.”

“Dead people with no explanation gave you nothing to follow up?”

“Like I said. We’ve had a lot of dead ends.”

“Then that’s where I’ll start, but I should get my partner sorted first. Also, I’ll need a vehicle. I only have my bike here.”

“No problem. I’ll organize the car, and all you have to do is let Lawson know who you’re taking with you. Who’s the lucky guy?”

“Emery Chapman.”



“She’s not a field agent, she’s an analyst.”

“I know.”

“You need to choose an agent.”

“That wasn’t the deal. You heard Lawson. He said I could choose whoever I wanted.”

Pearce slowly placed the file on Jep’s desk. “I don’t think that’s what he meant. There are plenty of very experienced agents to choose from.”

“I know. I still want Emery.”

“I can’t say how she’ll feel about that.”

“You haven’t even asked her,” Jep said.

“You really want to start things off this way?”

“What way? Being unconventional?”

Pearce waited a beat before he said, “That’s not what this is.”

“Why don’t you tell me what you think it is?”

“I can’t say for certain. You’re either looking for a partner who won’t be able to stand up to you, or you’re being difficult to see how we’ll all react.”

“I won’t give Emery any reason to need to stand up to me, and I’m not being difficult. I’m making the best call for this investigation.”

“You’ll have to give me a minute to consult with Lawson.”

“You do what you need to do.”

“I’ll be right back.”

Jep glanced across the room at Emery. She was focused on her computer. If she’d noticed him come in, she hadn’t given any hint of it.