“I hope those nightmares don’t last much longer.”
“We had a good talk about God after breakfast,” Em said. “She has a lot of obstacles to climb over, but she knows it. She can see what her life’s done to her, and she has a sense that there’s more.”
“She’s turned up at the right time. If she can stick to this path, it will be good to have her around with the new baby. She loves the girls, and the girls have really taken to her.”
“Yeah. It’s sweet. But I do worry.”
“About what? You think Katie could be trouble?”
“No,” Em said. “But she could still go back out into the world and throw away everything she’s worked so hard for.”
“Like your sister? We knew going into this that we couldn’t save them all.”
“I know. But I can’t help but wonder when someone new comes into our lives if this will be the one we lose. I don’t know how God does it, watching us screw up over and over again.”
“It’s His long suffering. If you want to ask God for more, you know what He’ll do.”
“Make me suffer.” She laughed, then stopped and pressed a hand to her stomach. “Oof.”
“Are you okay?” Jep said.
“I think my water broke—” She felt the warmth run down her leg. “Yup, it definitely broke.”
“So I was right. You did go into labor on the walk back to the house. Slate!” he yelled back at the barn. Slate ran out the door, drying his hands on a towel. “It’s time!”
Slate went rigid. “The baby?”
“Calm down, you two,” Em said. “I’m not pushing a baby out right this second.”
“You were only in labor with Bonnie for two hours.”
“Exactly. So we have hours. I’ll call Carla and?—”
“These guys can look after everything until she gets here. I’ll get your bag.”
Em laughed as Jep raced toward the house. He yelled to Katie, who stuck her head out the door, then sprinted onto the porch, launching herself before landing in a full sprint.
“You’re having the baby?” she said, out of breath. “Now?”
“Not right this second.” Em started toward the car.
“What do you need me to do?”
“Jep’s going to have a heart attack if we don’t leave for the hospital right away. Slate can look after the boys at the barn if you don’t mind babysitting the girls until Carla gets here.”
“Absolutely. Whatever you need.” Katie’s eyes were rimmed with tears. “This is so exciting.”
Em took her hand and squeezed it. Katie had had an abortion not long before coming to the house. “You’re going to be okay?”
“Are you kidding?” Katie said. “This is the best thing that could have ever happened to me. I mean you.” She laughed.
It was after she tried to kill herself that Jep and Em had been recommended to her by a desperate friend. Seeing her laugh was a gift.
“I’ve got your bag,” Jep said as he swung it in the air. “Let’s go.”
Em hugged her kids before Katie took both their hands. Bonnie jumped, nearly yanking Katie’s arm from her shoulder as she squealed in delight. Katie just laughed.