Page 13 of Jep

“You had better hope Jep steps up to the task.”

“We should move on this now,” Pearce said.

“Fine. If you want him so bad, you go get him.”

“Me? I didn’t know him well. I think he’d be more convinced if you showed up.”

Lawson chuckled darkly. “You think so? You think he’s going to throw a welcoming party when the feds turn up at his door led by me? No. You’re going. It’s better he meets with someone he doesn’t have a tainted history with. But I don’t want to get any complaints when he breaks your nose.” Lawson turned and noticed Emery. “On second thought, bring her.”

“Emery?” Pearce said.

“He probably won’t hit you with a pretty face to distract him.”

Emery hid her blanch well, but she wouldn’t object, not with so much riding on this guy Jep coming back on the team. If her presence encouraged this guy to be more agreeable, then she’d do her part. But beyond the initial visit, she would steer clear. The last thing she needed was more trouble.

“You really think that’s necessary?” Pearce said.

“I’m not saying she has to go on a date with the guy, but if we’re going to get him back through those doors—” Lawson jammed his finger toward the elevator. “We need to use what resources we have. Do you have any problem with that, Miss Chapman?”

“Uh, all you need me to do is be present?”

“You think you can do that?”

“Yeah. I’m okay with that.”

“Good. Pearce, you let me know if you hit any snags.”

“Yes, sir.”

Chapter 4

“I knowyou’re not happy about this,” Pearce said to Em, who was staring out the window at the tree line.

“I’m an analyst,” she said. “This wasn’t in the job description, but we all have to be willing to do what we can.”

“I was disappointed in Lawson when he suggested it, but he’s right. Jep is an unknown quantity for us right now. Think of it as a mission if it helps. When we put our teams together, we choose from the strengths we know we have. Right now, we need someone who can have a calming effect on the scenario. But don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“Do you expect toneedto protect me from this guy?”

“There’s no reason to think so.”

“That’s not very comforting.”

Pearce laughed. “I have been in this task force for a couple years now, and comforting is not something I’ve ever tried to be.”

“Not in your job description?” She grinned. “But what about you?”


“Yeah. What if hedoesgo for you?”

“I can handle myself, but I doubt he’d try anything. He and Lawson obviously don’t like each other much, but he doesn’t have any reason not to like me. We didn’t cross paths much. He left not long after I turned up.”

“Can you remember if he got along with anyone?”

“It was all or nothing with that guy. You either loved him or hated him.”

“So, not everyone wanted him gone?”