Page 34 of Hidden Chance

“Then I’ll kill you both.”

She swallowed back the bile that had risen in her throat and found the words to pray.Please God, don’t let anyone get hurt.

When they stepped off the elevators, Robby put on his coat and put the gun in his pocket, moving it so she could see where it was pointing.

“You don’t have to do this. I’ve told you everything I can. Taking me isn’t going to help you.”

“We’ll see. But I meant what I said. As long as you cooperate, I won’t hurt you. If you’re telling me the truth, you’ll be fine.”

“But I have been telling you the truth.”

“Start moving. And remember not to do anything to arouse suspicion.”

She lowered her hands as they approached the lobby, doing her best to act naturally, but it was hard.

“Titus,” Robby said as they rounded the corner. “My man. I didn’t know you were on shift tonight.”

“Hey, my guy called in sick, and I couldn’t find anyone to fill in, so I’m pulling a double shift.”


“Yeah, but it’s the burden you bear when you’re the boss.” He looked at his watch. “I didn’t think anyone was still here. Late night for you two?”

“Yeah, Hannah’s a hard taskmaster. She was determined to get the data entered so she could get busy processing.”

Hannah smiled stiffly.

“You’re missing a great fight tonight,” Titus said, holding up his phone.

“Don’t tell me. I plan on watching it from the beginning when I finally get home.”

“You be careful you don’t work him too hard, Hannah.”

“Yeah.” She turned to face the door to keep from giving away her fear.

“See you tomorrow,” Robby said.

Once they were outside of the building, Hannah prayed for an opportunity to get away. If he didn’t have a gun, she’d make a run for it. There was enough traffic that a woman being chased would be noticed by someone who would call the police. But she didn’t know how serious he was with the weapon, and she couldn’t dodge a bullet.

“I’m parked in the garage over there.”

She continued walking in front of him. When they passed the gates and entered the garage, she pulled her purse in front of her and grabbed the pepper spray again.

Please, help me, God. Don’t let him take me. I don’t want to die.

“The dark blue Volvo is mine. Hang on. You’ll have to drive. Here.”

When she turned, he was holding the keys. He pushed the button to unlock the car, then held it out for her to take.

She looked down at his other hand, still in his pocket. They weren’t far from the exit. If she could make it around the corner before he could fire, she’d have a chance.

She stepped closer to him, her heart racing as she reached for the keys, but at the last second, she lifted her other hand, spraying him in the eyes before sprinting for the exit.

The panic that drove her seared the breath in her lungs. She could hear his heavy steps behind.

“Stop! Wait!”

She dared to look, even though she didn’t want to. Somehow, he was gaining on her as he wiped at his face with both his hands. That meant he wasn’t holding the gun.