After a brief conversation with the woman, the man grabbed the woman’s arm, but she didn’t look concerned or pull away. Then they went inside.
Robby pulled the laptop closer, uploaded the images from the camera, then brought up the clearest one of the woman before scrolling through a list of TreadCraft employees.
“There you are. Hannah Reynolds. Project manager. Employed for just over two years. What are you doing letting strangers in the back door at this time of night?”
He did a search on various digital platforms and found what he thought was her profile on Facebook, butthe picture was a woman standing with her back to the camera in front of the ocean, so he had to scroll through the few images she’d added to the account.
He found her laughing with a group of people who looked to be Southeast Asian, but the photo had to be over ten years old. Hannah looked a lot younger than in her TreadCraft photo.
He stared at the others in the picture. They could be Burmese, but the chances that he’d stumbled across the one person he was looking for were slim. Still, she was his first lead.
After twenty minutes of continuing his social media hunt, he gave up. Her internet presence was limited. Unusual for a woman in her late twenties.
His next search led to the internal newsletters TreadCraft published. He found one mention of her involvement in last year’s fundraiser.
“Limited social media presence and an interest in your company’s fundraising efforts. Interesting mix, Miss Reynolds. Let’s see what else we can find.”
He changed to another site. This one was part of his work with Fletcher and gave him access to highly secure information so he could dig deeper into her past. Everything that he had found spoke to a secret lurking in her past.
He got a hit.
“Bingo.” He read through the information, then brought up the newspaper article mentioned. After reading the headline, he leaned back in his chair, scrubbing a hand across his mouth.
American Missionary Killed by Child Soldiers
“It’s never this easy.” He read the full article that gave details of the murder of a man who appeared to be Hannah’s father. As a girl, she had watched him be murdered by the very people he was trying to save. The article said she’d been hiding when it happened but witnessed the whole event.
Some people took their pain and used it for good. But not everyone. If the heartache was too much, a person could break and spend their whole lives seeking revenge. He’d seen it before.
Pushing his laptop aside, he called Fletcher. “Hey boss, I found something.”
“Where are you?”
“Staking out TreadCraft.”
“You found something already?”
“I observed a woman at the loading dock about an hour ago. She let a man in.”
“A man?”
“He kept his back to me the whole time, so I didn’t get a look at him before he entered. But I did see who the employee was.”
“And you believe it’s related to your case.”
“I do. Everything about it was suspicious. There was no delivery, and she looked around to make sure no one was there. Whoever that man was, he wasn’t supposed to be there.”
“There’s no way to know that for sure.”
“No, but I’ve been looking into the woman. Her name’s Hannah Reynolds. She’s a research manager.”
“Okay, then I suggest you turn the information over to TreadCraft immediately and let them deal with it.”
“Even if it’s connected to our case?”
“Robby, you know as well as I do that you haven’t got much.”
“She has connections to Burma.”