Page 49 of Hidden Chance

“I can’t say much. It’s confidential information.”

Tell him everything.

She dropped her head in resignation. She wouldn’t resist anymore. She couldn’t. This night had been too much.

“You mentioned my past being a concern.”

“Yes. I know what happened to your dad.”

“Then how can you think I had anything to do with this?”

“Because you saw it. You watched them kill him.”

“And you think I blame those kids?”

“I could understand if you did. Your dad was murdered by the people he was helping.”

Her throat tightened, and she paused, not willing to get emotional in front of Robby. All she needed was to give him the facts. He didn’t need to see her emotional attachment to it.

“Do you have any idea what it was like to watch kids your own age kill someone? Kill your dad?”

“No. I can’t. But it must have been devastating.”

“They were brainwashed into believing my dad was the enemy.”

“Do you believe they should have faced consequences for their actions?”

She blinked away the images that threatened. “Do you know what they do to those kids to get them to behave that way?”

“I do.”

“Then you can understand why I want to do everything in my power to make sure no other kids have to experience that again. They were vulnerable, and the militia took advantage of that. They are the ones responsible. I came to TreadCraft because I thought I could make a difference. I thought TreadCraft was making a real difference, and with such a massive budget, I had hoped the company would do more.”

Robby nodded.

“And now you’re telling me that there is somethingnefarious going on? Because if they’re involved in hurting these kids, whether knowingly or because of neglect, you need to understand that I will do whatever it takes to stop them.”

“If I could tell you more, I would.”

“That’s it? After everything that’s happened tonight, you’re going to leave me with nothing?”

“I only got you involved because I thought you already were. But it’s too dangerous for you to do more. You could get yourself killed. Or worse.”

“You think I care about that? With what I now know is happening over in Burma?”

“You should.”

“What I care about is TreadCraft’s connection.”


“If you don’t tell me, I’ll find out some other way. It would be easier to let me be your inside source. I can find out things for you, if you’d just let me know what it is you need. I can assure you I want this more than you.”

He considered her for a moment, his hands tucked into his armpits to keep them warm. “How about that coffee?”

Chapter 13

Robby watchedHannah as she took a careful sip of her coffee. He’d decided to trust her with the information he had. After seeing Sal and then hearing about her experience with her dad, everything made more sense, and he knew that the best way forward was to get her help. Her expression had changed several times as she processed the information he’d shared and finally settled into a hard frown.