Page 26 of Hidden Chance

“You enjoy it?”

“Parts of it. I like that the company supports Burma more, though.”

His eyes flashed. “Really? I did read about that.”

“And you must have seen the displays.”

“Yeah. It’s pretty cool that they want to look after the places they import rubber from. Giving back is a nice thing to do, I guess.”

“You guess?”

“It’s very noble of them.”

“Yeah. I guess so.”

“You don’t agree? Isn’t that why you said you’re here?”

She shrugged. “I have different ideas about what they should be doing over there, that’s all.”

“Like what?”

She didn’t expect the tightness in her throat from being asked about it but didn’t want to cry in front of a stranger. “Just different. That’s all.” When he didn’t move, she added. “If you’ll excuse me, I was getting a coffee.”

“Oh, sure.” He pulled back into his cubicle, and she hurried past.

On her way back to her office, she took a detour to avoid Robby, pushing thoughts of Burma from her mind.

Chapter 8

Robby drummedhis fingers on the keyboard. His second encounter with Hannah hadn’t gone exactly as he’d hoped, but her responses certainly helped to strengthen his suspicions. He’d seen her eyes tear up when he’d asked her about Burma. There was a lot of hurt there caused by TreadCraft’s help. She didn’t hide the fact that she wasn’t happy about what they were doing over there, and while she didn’t want to continue the conversation, she’d still been honest enough about it that he saw an opening to approach the subject again.

He looked between the two screens on his desk, stabbing at the keys with his index fingers. If he wasn’t careful, TreadCraft would fire him for not doing his job before he was finished with the assignment, but this work was painful.

His eyes drifted from the screen to the dog picture Hannah had noticed. Barney—that was the name he’d given to the picture—was the type of dog he’d get if he could. But here, Barney was all for show. He found itmade him more approachable. Being in the special forces meant he carried himself in a way that often intimidated people. A dog softened that look.

After entering a few more lines of data, he pulled out his phone and made a call. “Hey, Green. I’ve got a job for you.”

“A job for me? I thought I just gotyouone.”

“Yeah, and it’s terrible. I’m going to email you some data I need you to collate.”

“Do you even know what collate means?”

“It’s what Wilma said several times before showing me to my desk. I need to last out the week here, which means I need some help.”

“You’re pathetic.”

“I’m getting a lot of that lately. Can’t get a date and don’t know how to do my job. Will you do it or not?”

“If you get it to me within the hour. I have my own work to do, you know.”

“Thanks Green, you’re a peach.”

After sending the information, he did a search on a new chest rig Fletcher was looking into to pass some more time, then checked his watch. He judged he’d given his last interaction with Hannah enough time to have another chat with her and see if he could move things along to the next level.

He knocked on the doorframe.

She looked up and lifted her eyebrows. “Yes?”