Page 4 of Burning Mountains

Herwords hit me like a punch to the gut.Ormaybe more like a pillow to the face, given how soft and unexpected they were.Special?Ihadn't felt special in years.I'dmade damn sure of it, in fact.Specialmeant vulnerable, and vulnerable meant pain.Andpossibly the need for therapyIcouldn't afford.

Butlooking atZoenow, her eyes shining with admiration and something deeper,Ifelt a crack forming in the wallsI'dbuilt around my heart.Itwas like watching theBerlinWallcome down, but with more sexual tension.

"I'mnot..."Istarted, then stopped, unsure how to continue.HowcouldIexplain to this beautiful, vibrant woman thatIwas broken?ThatI'dsworn off love and connection because the pain of loss was too much to bear?Thatmy heart was more closely guarded thanFortKnox?

Shestepped closer, close enough thatIcould feel the warmth radiating from her body. "Youare," she insisted softly. "Whetheryou want to admit it or not.You'relike aHallmarkmovie hero come to life, but with better abs."

Andthen, beforeIcould react, she was on her tiptoes, pressing a soft kiss to my cheek.Itwas brief, chaste even, but it sent shockwaves through my entire body.Ifelt likeI'djust beenstruck by lightning, if lightning was warm and smelled really good.

Shepulled back, a blush creeping up her neck faster. "I...I'msorry.Idon't know what came over me.Ijust...Iwanted to thank you properly."

Istood there, frozen, my cheek burning where her lips had touched.Athousand thoughts raced through my mind, a thousand reasons why this was a bad idea.ButallIcould focus on was the way she was looking at me, likeIwas something precious and rare.Likea unicorn, but burlier and with more facial hair.

"Zoe,"Ibreathed, her name feeling like a prayer on my lips. "I..."

ButbeforeIcould finish, another crack of thunder shook the cabin, making us both jump.Themoment shattered, reality crashing back in.

Icleared my throat, taking a step back. "Weshould... we should probably get some rest.It'sbeen a long day.Youknow, what with the near-death experiences."

Disappointmentflashed across her face, but she nodded. "Ofcourse.Um, where shouldI...?Pleasedon't say you have a spare cave out back."

"Youcan take the bed,"Isaid quickly, gesturing down the hall. "I'llsleep on the couch.Don'tworry, it's only slightly lumpier than a bag of rocks."

Shelooked like she wanted to argue, but thought better of it.Herface scrunched up in an adorable mix of concern and reluctance. "Areyou sure?Idon't want to put you out.Imean, more thanIalready have."

Iwaved off her concern with a gruff chuckle. "Trustme,I'veslept in worse places.Oncespent a night in a hollow log to avoid a bear.Thiscouch is practically theRitz-Carltonin comparison."

Zoe'seyes widened to the size of dinner plates. "Abear?Seriously?AndhereIthought the scariest thingI'dface out here was spotty cell service."

"Welcometo the wild, city girl,"Ismirked, enjoying her mix of horror and fascination. "WheretheWi-Fiis weak, but the wildlife is strong."

Sheshook her head, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "You'resomething else,AxelHawke."

"Stickaround, and you might just see me wrestle a moose,"Iquipped, immediately regretting the implication of her staying longer.Smoothmove,Casanova.

Zoeraised an eyebrow, her smile turning mischievous. "Isthat a promise?BecauseI'vegot to say, that would make one hell of a wedding attraction. 'Comefor the vows, stay for the moose wrestling!'"

Icouldn't help but laugh, the sound rumbling from deep in my chest.Whenwas the last timeI'dgenuinely laughed like this?

"Alright, alright,"Isaid, trying to regain some semblance of gruffness. "Enoughchit-chat.Timeto get some shut-eye."

Shenodded, still grinning. "Fairenough.Um, which way?"

Ipointed down the hallway. "Lastdoor on the right.Can'tmiss it – it's the one without the taxidermy."

Zoe'seyes widened again. "Taxider—Youknow what?I'mnot even going to ask.Goodnight,Axel.Andthank you, again.Foreverything."

Iwatched as she padded down the hallway to my bedroom, my shirt swishing around her thighs.Whenshe disappeared from view,Ilet out a long, shaky breath.

"Getit together,Hawke,"Imuttered to myself, collapsing onto the couch. "She'sjust a girl.Abeautiful, funny, somehow-sexy-in-your-old-shirt girl who you saved from certain death.Nobig deal."

Istared up at the ceiling, counting the knots in the wooden beams in a futile attempt to quiet my racing mind.Whatthe hell was happening to me?Onekiss on the cheek from a womanIbarely knew, andIwas coming undone faster than a dollar store sweater.Thiswasn't like me.Ididn't do this.Ididn't let people in.Iwas a lone wolf, a mountain man, a...

"Acomplete and utter idiot,"Igroaned, throwing an arm over my eyes.

BecauseasIlay there, the ghost of her lips still tingling on my cheek,Irealized with a mixture of fear and exhilaration that something had changed.Forbetter or worse,ZoeMitchellhad breached my defenses.She'dsnuck past my emotional security system.

AndasIdrifted off to sleep, the storm raging outside but calm within,Iwondered what tomorrow would bring.Butfor the first time in years,Ifound myself looking forward to it.