Page 40 of Caged By the Lich

"Astrid," I say suddenly, cutting Karthak off mid-sentence. The room goes dead silent. "What do you think?"

She blinks, clearly surprised at being addressed. But she recovers quickly, stepping forward with a confidence that sends a thrill through me.

"The southern territories are the most mountainous of the continent." She looks from me to Karthak. "But that doesn'tseem to be taken into consideration. Between the range, the coming winter, and the obvious threat of the other lords and ladies that we've already faced, there are some holes that need to be filled."

I can't help the smirk that tugs at my lips. "Interesting perspective. Continue."

As Astrid outlines her strategy, I watch my advisors' reactions. Some look outraged at a human offering counsel, while others seem intrigued. But I don't give a fuck what they think. Astrid's plan is brilliant—a perfect blend of diplomacy and subtle threat that could save us countless resources.

"Implement it," I order when she finishes. The room erupts in whispers, but I silence them with a glare. "Astrid will oversee the negotiations personally."

Her eyes widen slightly at that, but she nods, accepting the responsibility without hesitation. Pride swells in my chest—an unfamiliar, almost uncomfortable feeling.

As the meeting concludes, I catch myself seeking Astrid's approval. It's a strange reversal, one that both thrills and unsettles me. When did her opinion start to matter so damn much?

I dismiss everyone but her, needing a moment alone to sort out these conflicting emotions. As the door closes behind the last advisor, I turn to face her fully.

"You continue to surprise me, little rebel," I say, my voice rougher than intended.

She raises an eyebrow, a hint of a smirk playing on her lips. "Is that a compliment, Olvaar?"

The sound of my name on her lips sends a jolt through me. Fuck, I'm in trouble.

I have kicked myself no less than a hundred times when she was offering herself up to me. But I just couldn't risk her regretting it.

"Take it how you will." I stand, offering her my hand. "Ready to head up to the study?"

"Always ready for that kind of puzzle." She takes my hand and I have the urge to yank her into me, feel her pressed up against me.

But I manage to have some semblance of self control as I lead Astrid up the stairs to the room we spend most of our time together in. As we enter the room, I gesture to the large oak table covered in maps and documents.

"Let's review some of the city plans first," I say, my voice gruffer than intended as I try to reign in my desires.

Astrid nods, moving to stand beside me. Her washes over me, reminding me of what it was like to have her pressed against me, my arms around her in that sparring ring. Or when my mouth was on her neck that first night and I didn't take enough advantage. I clench my jaw, forcing myself to focus on the task at hand.

We pour over the maps, discussing guard rotations and shipments. But as Astrid leans in to examine a particular region, I find my gaze drawn to her. The way she bites her lower lip in concentration, her brow furrowing slightly as she considers our options. It's... distracting.

I shake my head, trying to clear these thoughts. But then she turns to reach for a document, and my eyes are drawn to the elegant curve of her neck. The pale skin there looks impossibly soft, and for a moment, I'm seized by the urge to run my fingers along it.

"Olvaar?" Her voice snaps me back to reality.

I blink, forcing myself to look at where she's pointing on the map and decide to just trust her on this one. "Yes, that's... that's a good idea," I manage, hating how unsure I sound.

Astrid raises an eyebrow, clearly noticing my distraction. "Are you alright?"

"Fine," I growl, more harshly than I intend. I see her flinch slightly, and immediately regret my tone. Softer, I add, "Just... thinking about the implications of this move."

She nods, seemingly accepting this explanation, and turns back to the map. But now I'm hyper-aware of her every movement. The way she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, the slight furrow of her brow as she concentrates.

I force myself to focus on the strategy, on the cold, hard facts of warfare and politics. But my traitorous mind keeps drifting back to Astrid. To the warmth of her presence beside me, to the spark of intelligence in her eyes as she outlines her ideas.

But soon, my attention drifts, and I can't take it. "How about a breath of fresh air?" I ask her.

The abrupt stop has Astrid looking confused, but soon, she nods. "Yeah, that sounds nice."

I lead Astrid out into the courtyard, the cool night air a welcome relief from the stuffy room. As we round a corner, the sound of grunting and flesh hitting flesh reaches my ears. Malakai and Kaz are going at it in the sparring ring, a small crowd of guards cheering them on.

Astrid's eyes widen, her body tensing beside me. "Is this... normal?" she whispers.