But as I stand there, all I can think about is the way Astrid looked at me during our training session, the way I feel every time I touch her. The way I couldn't get the insatiable need for her out from under my skin before we ever spoke.
And for the first time in my life, I'm not sure what my next move should be.
Islip into the spare office, my eyes going right to the desk. There's supposed to be papers somewhere…
"There!" I pick them up, turning to head back out when suddenly, the light catches something on the ground. As I move around the desk, I bend down to inspect what was glinting. My heart skips a beat as I bend down to pick up a small, familiar object.
"Thena," I whisper, rolling the delicate earring between my fingers. It's unmistakably hers - a gift from our father on her sixteenth birthday. My mind races. How did this get here? When was Athena here?
Clutching the earring, I storm out of the office, my feet carrying me swiftly to Olvaar's study. Without knocking, I burst through the door.
He looks up from his desk, his brow furrowing as he takes in my expression. "Did you find the-"
I march up to his desk and slam the earring down. "Explain this."
His eyes flicker to the jewelry, then back to me. "It appears to be an earring."
"Don't play dumb," I snarl. "It's Athena's. She was here, wasn't she? And you didn't tell me."
Olvaar leans back in his chair, regarding me with those unnerving, color-shifting eyes. I swear I see all the colors there at once. "Your sister made quite the impressive attempt to infiltrate my home."
My breath catches. "What did you do to her?"
"Nothing," he says simply.
I blink, thrown off balance. "Nothing? You just... let her go?"
"Is that so hard to believe?"
"Yes," I snap. "Why would you do that? And why didn't you let me see her?"
Olvaar stands, circling around the desk. I force myself to hold my ground as he approaches. "She was an intruder. She didn't deserve to get what she came for."
"What about me?" I demand, my voice rising. "She's my sister! I had a right to see her!"
"You have no rights here," Olvaar growls, but there's something off about his tone. It lacks its usual bite.
"Don't start with that shit, V." His eyes narrow. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"Since when do you call me V?"
"Since you're being the arrogant ass that name portrays." His teeth grind together. "Answer me."
"Because you would get upset that I sent her away." His voice is remarkably measured, but his words still make me angrier.
I step closer, glaring up at him. "And why did you let her go? It doesn't make sense. You're not exactly known for your mercy."
Olvaar's eyes flash, swirls of blue crackling through the gray. "Perhaps I'm not as predictable as you think."
"That's not an answer," I press. "Why?"
He turns away, his shoulders tense. "Does it matter? Your sister is safe. Isn't that enough?"
"No," I say firmly. "I want to know why."