“What do you think, sweet pea?” he coos, scooping up a tiny bit of pasta with his fork. “Want to give Ayla’s cooking a try?”
Carefully, he brings the fork to her rosebud mouth. We all watch, holding our breaths, as Piper considers the offering with a serious expression that looks downright comical on her infantile features.
He lets her get a taste, and with a decisive grunt, she smiles, eyes wide for another.
“Ha! Even Pipes approves,” Kip chuckles as we all burst into laughter at her obvious enjoyment. “Guess that settles it, Ayla - you’re officially the resident chef from now on.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” I demur, but I can’t stop smiling. It’s such a little thing, but Piper’s stamp of approval feels like the highest praise.
“...and then, just as I thought it couldn’t get any worse, a skunk wandered into our campsite!” Clay’s voice rises with animated excitement. “I swear, the smell lingered for weeks, no matter how many times I washed my clothes.”
Kip throws his head back, laughing. “Oh man, I can just picture it! You, stumbling around in the dark, trying to shoo away a skunk.”
The mental image makes me chuckle, and soon we’re all laughing, the sound echoing warmly in the cozy cabin. As the hilarity dies down, Kip leans forward, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Okay, my turn,” he announces. “Did I ever tell you guys about the time I accidentally crashed a wedding reception?”
As Kip launches into his tale, complete with dramatic hand gestures and exaggerated facial expressions, I find myself glancing around the table, more at ease with this family than I ever was with my real one. They include me in their activities, make me feel safe and loved. I didn’t know how starved I was for love until I found myself wrapped up in it.
The flames dance in the fireplace, casting a warm glow over Teller, Clay and Kip’s handsome faces as we gather on the plush rug. Outside, the rain continues to patter softly against the windows, a soothing lullaby now that Piper is fast asleep in her crib.
Teller approaches, a steaming mug of hot chocolate in his hands. “I made this for you,” he says softly, settling down beside me. His eyes meet mine, searching. “Ayla, I told you I loved you the other day. You never said it back.” He pauses, vulnerability flickering across his face. “I need to know how you feel about me.”
Well…I wasn’t expecting that. My mouth suddenly feels dry, and I greedily drink the hot cocoa, gasping when it burns the roof of my mouth.
“Way to put me on the limelight,” I comment.
But Teller isn’t the only one waiting for my answer. Clay and Kip lean in, their expressions a mix of anticipation and apprehension. I can practically feel the weight of their gazes,three pairs of eyes fixed intently on me, awaiting my response with bated breath.
Briefly, I wonder if that was the reason that they’d been so willing to drop everything for this little getaway…so that they could get some answers out of me.
My heart pounds wildly in my chest as I wrap my hands around the warm mug. How do I even begin to put my feelings into words?
Kip reaches over to tuck a stray lock of hair behind my ear, his fingertips grazing my skin and igniting sparks. Clay rests a strong, reassuring hand on my knee. “Talk to us.”
I’m suddenly overwhelmed by the depth of emotion swelling in my chest--a tangle of love, longing, and fear. I swallow hard. It’s now or never. I have to be brave and tell them the truth…
Taking a deep breath, I gather my courage and meet their gazes. “I care about all of you so much,” I begin, my voice wavering slightly. The words feel inadequate to express the intensity of my emotions. I’ve never been good at expressing myself. There have been so many years of suppressing them to please others that I’m not sure how to tell them how I feel. “I’ve never had a home I’ve felt so safe in. But it’s complicated, I don’t know how to put down the walls I put up to protect myself and sometimes I’m scared.”
There. I said it. My heart is laid bare, vulnerable and exposed. I search their faces, trying to gauge their reactions. Will they understand? Will they still want me, despite my fears and insecurities?
“What are you scared of?” Clay asks.
I swallow. “I’ve never had a relationship go right, in my life, not with my mom or my sister, or the one boyfriend I had and…”
“First,” Kip cuts me off. “You have to realize that we’re not them, that we’re not going to run for the hills when things get hard.”
Teller nods, his eyes shining with sincerity. “He’s right. We’ve got your back, no matter what. You can trust us.”
Kip’s thumb traces gentle circles on my cheek. “We’re here for you, sweetheart. Always.”
Their words wrap around me like a warm embrace. I lean into their touches, drawing strength from their unwavering support.