I look around my newly decorated room and smile and how perfect it is for me. “I really don’t know what to say, how to thank you.”
Clay’s hand rubs soothing circles on my back. “I just wanted you to have a space that feels like yours.” He pulls back slightly to look at me, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear with a gentle touch. “A place you can go to relax and recharge. Somewhere just for you.”
I nod, blinking back the tears that prick insistently at the corners of my eyes. “It’s perfect,” I tell him hoarsely. “Absolutely perfect.”
A slow smile curves Clay’s mouth, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “I’m so glad you like it. I hope...” He pauses, seeming suddenly hesitant. “I hope you know that even though this room is yours, you’re always welcome in mine too. I’d love it if you still wanted to stay with us most of the time.”
My heart flips at the hopeful note in his deep rumble, and I laugh. The way he says ‘us’ with such casual ease, like it’s already a foregone conclusion that the four of us are a package deal.
“I’d like that,” I admit softly, smiling up at him through damp lashes. “Maybe we could rotate? Have sleepovers in each other’s rooms sometimes?”
Clay’s face splits into a wide, boyish grin that makes my stomach flutter. “Sounds perfect to me, darlin’. Kip and Teller will be thrilled.”
He leans down to press a tender kiss to my forehead and I turn my face up to his, fitting my mouth to his in a soft, sweet caress. Everything else fades away until there is only Clay - his clean, masculine scent, the rasp of his scruff against my sensitive skin, the headiness of his taste on my tongue.
In his arms, with his lips moving against mine, I feel cherished. Adored. Like I’ve finally found the missing piece that completes me.
Like I’ve finally come home.
Clay’s strong arms wrap around me, cocooning me in his warmth and strength as our lips move together in a gentle dance.
When we finally break apart, I’m breathless, my heart racing in my chest. Clay rests his forehead against mine, his eyes shining with tenderness as he gazes down at me. “Ayla,” he murmurs, hisvoice low and intimate. “You have no idea how happy it makes me to see you like this. To know that you feel at home here, with us.”
Emotion clogs my throat, rendering me speechless. I swallow hard, blinking back the fresh tears that threaten to spill over. “I do,” I whisper, my voice trembling slightly. “Feel at home, I mean. For the first time in so long, I feel like I belong somewhere. With someone. With all of you.”
Clay’s hand comes up to cup my cheek, his thumb brushing away the single tear that escapes down my cheek. “You do belong, sweetheart. Here, with me. With Kip and Teller. With Piper. We’re your family now, and we’ll always be here for you. No matter what.”
His words wash over me like a soothing balm, easing the ache in my chest that I’ve carried for so long. The ache of loneliness, of feeling like an outsider in my own life. But here, in Clay’s arms, surrounded by his strength and his unwavering support, I finally feel like I’ve found my place.
I lift up on my toes to brush my lips against his once more, pouring all the love and gratitude I feel into the kiss. Clay responds in kind, his mouth moving over mine with a tender passion that steals my breath and makes my head spin.
In this moment, everything feels right. Perfect. Like the pieces of my life have finally fallen into place, creating a beautiful mosaic of love, family, and belonging.
And I know, with a bone-deep certainty, that I’m exactly where I’m meant to be.
The tires of my pickup truck crunch on the gravel as I turn onto the familiar tree-lined street leading to Jamie’s house. My heart races with anticipation, a smile spreading across my face as I think about wrapping Piper in my arms again. God, I’ve missed that little girl.
I pull into Jamie’s driveway and put the truck in park, taking a deep breath. Nervous energy vibrates through me as I hop out and slam the door. The sound echoes through the quiet neighborhood.
Walking up the stone path, colorful flowers burst from the beds on either side, their sweet fragrance floating on the gentle breeze. I climb the porch steps, the aged wood creaking beneath my boots.
I knock on the door, and it doesn’t take long for Jamie to answer, Piper in her arms. My face widens in a smile, as I reach out for her and Jamie happily puts her in my arms. I immediately, start cooing at her, shocked by how much I missed her.
Glancing up, I see Jamie leaning against the doorframe, a soft smile on her face as she watches our reunion.
“Thank you for watching her,” I thank Jamie.
“You don’t have to thank me. I enjoy it. She’s a good baby. I hope mine is too.” She rubs her stomach, which seems to have gotten even bigger since the last time I’d seen her almost a week ago.
“How’s that baby treating you?” I ask.
She sighs. “I’m tired all of the time, and I can’t walk but maybe a few steps before my legs feel like they’re going to give out.” I laugh, looking at her smile. “Come in, come in. Let’s talk.”
Jamie ushers me into the cozy living room, where I sink onto the plush sofa. Piper clambers onto my lap, her little hands patting my cheeks.