Jamie meets my gaze steadily. “Send a few of the old guards to have a friendly chat with the shop owners. Remind them that our protection comes with a price tag, now more than ever and consider bringing me back on to help you with the finances.”

“I appreciate the offer,” I say, my voice rough with emotion. “But you’ve got enough on your plate right now. You need to focuson taking care of yourself and the little one.” I nod towards her swollen belly, a bittersweet reminder of the life growing within.

Jamie’s lips curve into a wistful smile, her hand instinctively cradling the swell of her stomach. “This baby is the only thing keeping me sane some days,” she confesses softly. “But I need more than that. I need to feel useful like I’m still a part of something bigger than myself.”

I lean back in my chair, studying her determined expression. The fire in her eyes is achingly familiar, a mirror of the same fierce loyalty that burned in Tank’s gaze.

“I used to help him with the books, you know,” she continues, her voice wistful. “He’d sit right where you are, poring over the numbers while I sorted through the receipts. It made me feel like I was contributing like I was a true partner in every sense of the word.”

I can picture it vividly - Tank hunched over the desk, his brow furrowed in concentration as Jamie flitted around him, a soothing presence amidst the chaos. The image sends a pang of longing through my chest, a reminder of the void his absence has left in all our lives.

“I don’t want to overstep,” I say carefully, weighing my words. “But if you’re sure you’re up for it, I could use an extra set of eyes on these reports. Maybe we can find a way to keep the businesses in line and boost morale among the guys at the same time.”

Jamie’s face lights up, her smile radiant and genuine. “I’d like that,” she says softly. “I want to help in any way I can. For the club, for our family. For Tank’s memory.”

I nod, swallowing past the lump in my throat. “For Tank,” I echo, my voice rough with emotion. “He’d be proud of you, Jamie. Of the strength you’ve shown, the way you’ve held us all together.”

She ducks her head, blinking back tears. “He’d be proud of you too, Teller. You’ve stepped up in ways no one could have imagined. You’re the leader we need, even if you don’t see it yet.”

Her words wash over me, a balm to the raw, aching parts of my soul. For a moment, the weight on my shoulders feels a little lighter, the path ahead a bit less daunting.

“How are you holding up, Jamie? Really?” The words slip out before I can stop them, the need to protect and support her overriding my usual reserve.

She meets my gaze, her smile gentle but tinged with sadness. “I’m taking it day by day,” she replies, one hand resting on the swell of her belly. “Some moments are harder than others, but I’m finding joy where I can. In the little things, you know?”

I nod, understanding all too well the bittersweet dance of grief and gratitude. “I’m glad to hear that. If there’s anything you need, anything at all, you know we’re here for you, right?”

“I do, and I appreciate it more than you know.” Jamie’s voice is warm, filled with the quiet resilience that’s carried her through these trying times. “I heard that you may have gotten yourself a live-in nanny?”

There goes Kip…running that mouth.

“Kip and Clay found her. I didn’t have anything to do with it.”

I picture Ayla’s vibrant green eyes, the way her dark hair cascades down her back.

“What do you think of her?”

I rub the back of my neck, suddenly self-conscious. How to describe Ayla? “She’s great with the baby. Caring, patient. Not afraid to speak her mind either.” I chuckle, remembering our first meeting.

“Hmm.” There’s a knowing glint in Jamie’s eye that makes me shift in my seat. “Sounds like she’s made quite the impression on you.”

I shrug, trying to play it casual. But I can’t stop the small smile tugging at my lips. “She’s...different.”

Jamie leans forward, her voice soft. “Teller, the way your whole face lights up when you talk about her... I haven’t seen you like this in a long time. You like her.”

“I don’t know her.” Jamie is always so quick to jump the gun.

“You don’t have to know someone to have a crush on them.”

“Yeah, but...” I trail off, hesitant to voice the gnawing uncertainty. “I’m not the only one who’s taken a shine to her. My brothers, they...” I rub my jaw, frustration rising. How can I pursue Ayla when I know they’re interested too?

Jamie’s hand finds mine, her touch gentle yet firm. “Hey. Don’t let that hold you back. You’re a catch, Teller. Any woman would be lucky to have you.” Her eyes are earnest, unwavering. “If there’s something between you and Ayla, you owe it to yourself to see where it leads.”

I nod slowly, letting her words sink in. She’s right. I can’t let my fears control me. If Ayla and I have a connection, I need to find out what it could be. What we could be.

Jamie pushes herself up from the chair, one hand supporting her belly. “Well, I should get going. Let you get back to...” She gestures at the paperwork strewn across my desk with a wry smile.

I stand too, walking her to the door. “Thanks, Jamie. For everything.” I hope she can hear the sincerity in my voice, how much her support and friendship mean to me.