Ayla’s eyes widen, a kaleidoscope of emotions playing across her face. Shock, uncertainty, and finally, a glimmer of hope.
She glances at Piper, blissfully unaware of the monumental decision being made around her. I can see the love in Ayla’s eyes, the fierce protectiveness that’s been there since the moment she first held Piper in her arms. Ayla has more than proven to be Piper’s mother in everything other than blood. It’s the way she protects Piper, is constantly there for our little girl, thinks of how to make our home and lives better so Piper will be happy.
“I...” Ayla starts, her voice catching. She clears her throat, tries again. “Are you sure? This is a big step, Teller. For all of us.”
I nod, squeezing her hand. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. We want you here, Ayla. Not just as Piper’s nanny, but as a part of our family. As her mom.”
Tears spill down Ayla’s cheeks, but she’s smiling now, a radiant, joyful smile that lights up the whole room.
“Yes,” she whispers, then louder, “Yes, I want that more than anything.”
She pulls me into a hug, her arms tight around my neck. I can feel her heartbeat against my chest, the rapid thrum of excitement and love and fear all tangled together.
Over her shoulder, I catch Clay’s eye. He gives me a nod of approval.
As we break apart, Ayla wipes her tears, then reaches for Piper, scooping her up into her arms.
“Hey, baby girl,” she murmurs, pressing a kiss to Piper’s cheek. “I’m your mama now. And I promise I will love you forever and always.”
Piper gurgles happily, her tiny hands patting Ayla’s face. In that moment, I know we’ve made the right decision. This is what a family looks like. And I’ll do everything in my power to protect it.
6 Months Later
Vibrant ribbons of pink and gold shimmer overhead as I step into the clubhouse, Piper balanced on my hip. The air hums with chatter and laughter, the entire Black Wolves family gathered to celebrate my baby girl’s first birthday.
“There’s the birthday princess!” Clay bounds over and scoops Piper from my arms, eliciting a delighted squeal. He peppers her chubby cheeks with kisses.
My heart swells watching them, my burly biker wrapped around our daughter’s tiny finger. To think just six months ago I was signing those adoption papers with shaking hands…and now, I’ve settled into the role of her mother easily.
Kip sidles up beside me, looping an arm around my waist. “You’ve done good, mama. Look how happy she is.”
Piper claps her hands, reaching for the shiny balloon floating by Clay’s head. Her little brow furrows in concentration.
“Takes after her mom with that determination,” Teller chuckles, planting a quick kiss to my temple. “Clubhouse looks great, babe. You outdid yourself.”
I glance around at the rainbow of streamers draping the walls, the tower of presents stacked in the corner. Countless hours of Pinterest browsing paid off. I wanted everything to be perfect for Piper’s special day.
“Auntie Jamie better hurry up,” Kip checks his phone. “Almost time to sing to the munchkin.”
Clay tosses Piper gently in the air, her peals of laughter bouncing off the walls. “Ready to stuff your face with cake, sweet pea?”
“Da!” Piper crows, waving her chubby fists.
My vision blurs hot with sudden tears. I never imagined I’d have this - a family of my own, so much love my heart could burst. The winding road that led me here, every bump and pothole, was worth it in the end.
I wouldn’t change a thing.
I spot Jamie entering the clubhouse, her six-month-old son Thomas cradled in her arms. A wave of happiness washes over me as our eyes meet, and she flashes me a warm smile. Carefully navigating through the sea of leather-clad bikers, Jamie makes her way over to where I stand.
“Ayla, honey, it’s so good to see you,” she says, her voice brimming with affection. She shifts Thomas to her hip and pulls me into a one-armed hug, the familiar scent of her vanilla perfume enveloping me.
I squeeze her tightly, mindful of the baby between us. “I’m so glad you could make it, Jamie. It means the world to me.”
We pull apart, and I can’t help but grin at the sight of Thomas, his wide blue eyes taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. “He’s gotten so big!” I exclaim, gently running a finger along his chubby cheek.