“We have missed you,” he murmured into Astrid’s ear, his breath on her neck causing her nipples to pebble. “Our afternoon in the forest is all Gwendolyn has been able to speak of when we’re together. We’ve snuck moments where we can, but as much pleasure as we give each other, we agree it will never be as good as it was with the two of you. We are at a loss. Please tell me there is some magical solution.”

Astrid’s heart soared and she mentally relayed the news to Aureliusz.

“Gwen is in agreement,”he replied. “Shall we make our proposal now?”

Astrid beamed up at Dominic. “I do believe we have a proposal, but let’s enjoy the party first. We will come find you in your chambers when you retire.”


The night seemed to never end, but eventually the time was right for the newlyweds to take their leave. Shortly after, Astrid met Aureliusz in a secluded doorway and cloaked them both in her smoke so they could walk the corridors unnoticed.

They reached the door to the couple’s chambers and knocked, Astrid letting the cloak fall only for a second when Gwendolyn opened the door so she would know it was them.

The princess’s eyes brightened and she stood aside to let them into her anteroom, then closed and locked the door behind them. Dominic was pacing in the bedroom, but halted, then jogged to greet them.

“You came,” he said, sounding immeasurably relieved. He closed the distance to Astrid, grasping her by the jaw and kissing her so deeply her toes curled. Both he and the princess wore only light robes, and his erect cock pressed to Astrid’s belly through the layers of her gown.

“I fear we are fevered with need for you both,” Gwendolyn said when Aureliusz finally released her from a passionate kiss. “Is this unnatural? Is there any remedy but to surrender?”

“It’s the way of things between dragons and their fated mates,” Aureliusz said. “We share the same longing. Ever since we met the two of you, we can think of nothing else. Which is why we want to propose that we make it permanent.”

Gwendolyn’s brow knitted and she glanced between him and Astrid. Dominic frowned as well and asked, “How do you mean? Gwen and I are already married. It’s a political match, of course, but we have no desire to destroy the alliance made by our union.”

“Dragons don’t wed in the way humans do,” Astrid said. “Our mating bonds are permanent, but can also be kept secret, if we wish. We have many, many tricks to make it work, but the most important detail is that we havetime. If you become my mate, Dominic, your life will be extended. At an appropriate time in a few years, we can fabricate stories of your untimely death, and then perhaps the princess’ to follow.”

Gwendolyn’s eyes widened and she grinned. “A ruse! I can be so overcome with grief, I take my own life, or so they will think. Then we can disappear to wherever you call home and live happily ever after!”

Aureliusz smiled indulgently. “Something like that. So, is that a yes?”

Gwendolyn didn’t look entirely convinced. “But they say dragons live in dark and dingy caves, coiled on mounds of gold and jewels. I don’t know if I’d enjoy living in a cave.”

Aureliusz snorted. “That’s only one of many false tales designed to maintain our mystery. Our race is every bit as civilized as humans. In fact, I have several estates and castles around the world, so you may take your pick. The one detail that is true is that we love to hoard valuable, pretty things. But nothing will be so valuable to me as you, love.”

She beamed up at him and nodded. “Then it is a yes.”

As they kissed, Astrid looked up into Dominic’s eyes. “Do I need to ask?”

His heated gaze was answer enough, but his breathy “yes” gusted over her mouth a second before he kissed her.

He backed her against the door, dropping his hands to grip her behind her thighs and lift her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, mentally dissolving her conjured gown in the process. He only looked mildly surprised when she was suddenly naked, but took advantage of it immediately, dropping his mouth to one breast and taking her nipple in his mouth. His erection nudged at her core and she reached between them, aiming him right where he needed to go.

He slid home in a rough and exhilarating thrust, fucking her so hard her head banged against the door. From the other room the rhythmic sounds of Aureliusz and Gwendolyn echoed theirs, and a moment later four voices rose in a chorus of orgasmic bliss.

“Let’s go see how they’re doing,” Astrid said when Dominic released her, gently setting her back on the floor. She took his hand and led him through the anteroom into the bedroom.

Aureliusz lay naked with the spent princess sprawled across his chest. He was still fully erect, his cock glistening with remnants of their coupling.

Astrid climbed onto the bed, reclining on her side and beckoning for Dominic to join her. “Are you ready to become my mate? All I need to do is mark you and it’s complete. Then the four of us can enjoy each other for the rest of the night.”

“You may do whatever you wish to me, dear Astrid. I’m yours already, body and soul.”

“What about you, Gwendolyn?” Astrid asked, turning to look at the princess. “Are you ready for Aureliusz to mark you too?”

“Mmm, I have one request first,” she said, pushing up on her hands to look into the Golden dragon’s eyes. “Make love to me again with yourrealcock. I want to know what it feels like.”

He pushed up onto his elbows, watching her as she scooted down his body to straddle his thighs. His cock stood between them, as smooth as any human man’s, and jerked as the princess began to stroke it.

“Why don’t we work up to that? What I can do is give you a scaled-down version of it. Would that satisfy you for now?”