She and Aureliusz parted when they reached the couple and knelt on either side of them. Gwendolyn couldn’t keep her eyesoff Aureliusz, which was no surprise; he was a magnificent creature in any shape. She didn’t even flinch when he bent and pressed his lips to hers, giving her a deep and lingering kiss.
Astrid met Dominic’s eyes and placed a hand lightly on his chest, then leaned in and whispered in his ear, “Like I said, please don’t stop on our account. The more pleasure you gain from this, the more power you can give us.”
She drifted her lips along his jaw, sliding her hand down his stomach at the same time. Just as her mouth found his, her hand reached the base of his cock and squeezed, then urged him back into motion.
He groaned into her mouth, lifting one hand from Gwendolyn’s hip to caress Astrid’s jaw. He drifted his hand lower, exploring her neck, her chest, cupping one breast to thumb her nipple. The slow perusal was curious and bold, his caresses sending little cascades of fire through her body in a way she’d never experienced with another.
The ancient texts often spoke of some dragons finding true mates among the human race, and they always knew it in an instant when they touched. Was this what was happening to Astrid now?
Even if it wasn’t, she wouldn’t stop him, because every slow caress felt too good. He paused only briefly at her mound, pulling away from the kiss to look down. His gaze glinted with salacious interest at the smoothness of her bare skin and he licked his lips.
“What do female dragons taste like?” he asked, finally dipping a finger lower and gliding it over her swollen clit into the lake of sticky essence coating her center.
“Right now I taste like Aureliusz, I’m sure,” she said with an amused lilt. “But half the flavor would be mine.”
Rather than accept her offer, Dominic leaned back in for a kiss, thrusting his tongue in her mouth as he pushed two fingersdeep into her channel. He moved them in a steady rhythm that matched the glide of his cock in and out of Gwendolyn’s pussy, and soon Astrid wasn’t sure whether the needy moans were hers or the human woman’s.
Dominic took her all the way to the edge, which was some feat considering he was also pleasuring the princess. Soon Astrid had to pull back from the kiss to breathe, but dropped her cheek to his chest, clinging to him as his fingers kept working her pussy over.
Aureliusz was equally engaged, lying on his side with his head propped on one hand, mouth to Gwendolyn’s ear offering both sweet and filthy promises. His other hand was between her thighs, rubbing her clit. She had one hand clutched at the back of his neck, clinging to him for dear life as her supple body writhed in pleasure.
Soon the princess was crying out in ecstasy, hips bucking back against Dominic and her mouth seeking Aureliusz, who kissed her with abandon.
Dominic climaxed seconds later, flooding Gwendolyn’s pussy with his essence even as his accumulated magical energy flowed into Astrid where they touched. But though he was quivering from his orgasm, he didn’t stop attending to Astrid, and soon her body was wracked with pleasure again as his talented fingers brought her to her peak.
The four of them fell into a heap of tangled limbs with Gwendolyn sandwiched between the two males, the dragons on either end.
Astrid met Aureliusz’s heated gaze over the humans’ naked bodies, and they didn’t need to exchange silent words to know each other’s thoughts. Dominic and Gwendolyn were perfect in every way, but would they agree to mating dragons when they were already betrothed to one another?
One week later…
“How do I look?” Astrid asked, brushing her hands down her deep violet brocade gown as she stood in front of the looking-glass. Her jet-black hair was up in an elaborate arrangement of coils atop her head, with tiny ringlets framing her face.
Aureliusz rose from where he’d been lounging on her bed and strolled over, stopping just behind her. He examined her from head to toe, narrowing his eyes and tapping his chin with one finger in thought. Then he smiled and exhaled a breath.
His golden smoke coiled around her torso, lifting her breasts and rearranging the décolletage. When it faded, her cleavage was exposed and shimmered with golden glitter.
“Dominic has an affinity for your breasts, my dear. Don’t discount the power they have in convincing him to agree to our proposal.”
“Noted. Thank you,” she said, turning to face him.
He stepped back and did a slow turn with his arms held out. “Am I enticing enough for a princess to take me as a mate?”
Astrid tilted her head, examining his golden doublet and matching hose. He was as fine as any prince, his golden curls falling in a luxurious cascade around his shoulders from beneath a feathered cap. She wished she could wear her hair loose, but it was only a style for the men, at least at formal gatherings like the wedding they’d been invited to attend.
Dragons shouldn’t have to follow human conventions, she thought; it should be the other way around. But sadly, they had to keep their nature a secret from everyone but their chosen mates. Revealing themselves to Gwen and Dom had been a risk, but hopefully it would pay off tonight.
“You will put every other male to shame, just hopefully not the groom. We need to avoid being a distraction during the ceremony. Their marriage needs to be a success for this to work.”
A few hours later, the pair cheered as the princess and her new husband strolled hand-in hand from the cathedral. No one seemed to notice as the bride’s and groom’s gazes lingered on the pair of guests dressed in gold and violet garb.
Astrid’s heart fluttered when Dominic winked and warmth pooled between her thighs as his gaze lowered, lingering on the glittery mounds of her breasts.
They followed the crowd to the elaborate outdoor banquet in the castle gardens, and with an infusion of golden smoke from Aureliusz, the party was soon in full swing, providing them with the distraction they needed.
A string quartet played merry tunes and Aureliusz took the opportunity to ask the bride for a dance. The princess parted from her groom a little too eagerly, but Dominic didn’t seem to mind. He instantly gravitated to Astrid, pulling her into hisarms and barely keeping enough distance between them to avoid suspicion as they twirled around the dance floor.