It was unbecoming of a dragon of Astrid’s status to be so wanton with a male, but the male currently chasing her across the skies simplydid thingsto her. She was First Shadow, for Mother’s sake. As the Dragon Queen’s spymaster, she answered to no one but the Queen.

To be fair, the chase was exhilarating and her pursuer was one of her oldest friends. But she wasn’t about to make things easy on him. Aureliusz was a Gold dragon, and the more she riled him up, the more potent his aura of need would be when they finally came together.

As a Gold with the power of psychic empathy, his emotions always tended to overflow, infusing his environment with whatever he happened to be feeling. If that happened to be unmitigated lust, all the better. It made the sex between them explosive, which gave her no incentive to end the chase just yet.

He trumpeted in frustration behind her, his breath hot on her tail. Then it wasn’t just breath, but a lick of pure fire racing up her spine as his immense form charged above her, his strong wings thundering with heavy strokes through the air. That cascade of fire made her falter with her own rising need, and a second later, he roared in triumph.

Fuck, she should have known better than to let her emotions ride free around him. Healwaysknew how she felt, and as much as she liked how well he understood her as a result, it would be nice to maintain a little mystery during their trysts.

“I’ve got you, little Shadow,”came his victorious telepathic announcement.

Astrid tried to fly faster, but she was already at her limit, and the thrill of that statement sent fire deep into her core even as she roared a flaming breath out her throat.

The next thing she knew, Aureliusz clamped his strong jaw around the back of her neck, heedless of the row of spikes there. She struggled to keep flying, but he was the stronger dragon. He grasped her shoulders with his foreclaws, lowering his hind legs to hook them between hers.

She gave up flying then, surrendering to his strength and her own burning need.

Aureliusz kept them aloft under his own power, a low, rumbling purr vibrating into her neck through his teeth. It didn’t hurt, though his grip was tight enough she couldn’t break free. But honestly, she didn’t want to; they’d never fucked mid-air, and she trusted him.

“Pull your wings in, love,”he said, and she obeyed.

The second they were snug against her back, his scaled chest flattened against her and he wrapped his forelegs around her torso. She bleated a needy cry as he shifted his hips and his protective pouch opened hot against the top of her tail. His enormous cock pushed free, growing longer and thicker as he circled in the air.

Below them was an expanse of green forest that blurred amid the pleasure of his cock stroking along her backside. Astrid no longer needed her tail to steer, so she happily shifted it aside to allow him entry.

His cockhead found her tight little slit as if drawn there on its own. The fat, ridged tip stroked her seam, his precum wetting her scaled flesh enough to trigger the desired response.

She opened for Aureliusz like a flower blooming for the sun. He groaned when her opening spread wide for him and his tip met the molten wet heat of her outer folds, now fully extended outside of their own protective, scaled membranes.

“Please!”she cried into his mind while bellowing her need louder through her throat.

“You are such a tease, Astrid Magnus. I’m entitled to a little payback.”

She both loved and hated the torture as he pushed just past her entrance with his enormous, thick tip, just enough for the flared ridge to catch inside her sensitive channel. He pulled back out and pushed in repeatedly, then out once more to drive his cock up through her folds to rub it against her clit.

She roared again, bucking back against him in her desire. The infuriating bastard only rumbled a laugh against her neck as he continued to torment her clit with the head of his cock.

Astrid was so consumed with this unbearable torture that she was barely aware of their change in altitude until the heavy beat of his wings ceased and she felt hard dirt beneath her claws. The earthy scent ofterra firmamingled with the tang of her own lust. Her inner thighs were drenched with the cooling fluid of her arousal, while her pussy throbbed hot with ever-growing need.

But instead of plunging into her, Aureliusz released her neck and disappeared. Before she could protest, his hot tongue lashed beneath her tail, the forked tips parting her once again and toying with her clit before plunging deep inside her.

Okay, she supposed she could wait to be fucked as long as he was doingthat.

She rutted back against his probing snout, moaning and clawing at the ground as he tongue-fucked her like the masterhe was. Her tail twisted and whipped in the air of its own accord before she reined it in and coiled it beneath his stomach.

Two could play at the teasing game.

When she found his thick shaft with the tip of her tail, she wrapped it around him and stroked. He growled into her pussy, tongue delving ever deeper, stroking faster as he lapped at her drenched flesh.

Aureliusz pulled back and gripped her ass with both claws, spreading her open wider, then leaned in to tickle around her anus. The touch stalled her antics with her tail. She wanted more ofthat, so she lifted her tail and pushed back again with an inviting whimper.

He answered with a low laugh, redirecting his attention to her ass until her pussy was drenched and the ground beneath her knees grew muddy from her desire. With a hungry growl, he drove his tongue deep into her snatch once more, teasing her to the brink before slipping out to find her swollen clit and suckle it.

Unrelenting ecstasy overwhelmed Astrid as he drove her to her peak, and she roared, a column of flame blasting from her throat. Once it dissipated and her eyes refocused, she was greeted by the most unusual sight at the edge of their clearing, just within the shadows of the forest.